Turns out that I have 3 PL 400's, two original and this series II The first I got has a crazy add on power supply cap board bolted to the cooling fins. Sort of dangerous with exposed wiring. I used it a while then the output got weak (I think, memory is dim). Faceplate on the first one is "acceptable". Not really sure of the operational status of this amp now.
The second one looks great, but burns the power fuse on pluggin in. I used this amp for a while, thought it sounded good. I have contacted WO to get a set of power supply caps for it. Long term plan is to do WO mods to this amp.
I had forgotten about having the series II. I sort of remember getting it on ebay cheap (W/O faceplate) to use for parts. Fired it up, it "works" and can generate decent sound and power, but I don't think it sounds quite as good as it should. I ran it yesterday for a couple of hours feeding Dahlquist Dq-10's. It sure did get hot. Looking in back, quite a collection of different transistors. Starting with a good new matched set might be a good plan for this amp.
The meters don't work correctly on the II. Left one stops at about half power when the amp is producing well over half. The right one stays pegged indicating clipping at any volume level above about 0. Reading the service manual, repair of the original meter boards does not look too difficult. I was monitoring amp power with a Crown OC-150 verified against another 200WPC amp. Looking inside, there is an axial lead capacitor on the back of the right board that is not on the left board, go figure?
Anyone have a faceplate for sale? Any other inputs on my 3 projects are are welcome. BTW, I don't love the PL400II original cosmetics, so a beat up faceplate suitable for painting would be fine with me.

The second one looks great, but burns the power fuse on pluggin in. I used this amp for a while, thought it sounded good. I have contacted WO to get a set of power supply caps for it. Long term plan is to do WO mods to this amp.
I had forgotten about having the series II. I sort of remember getting it on ebay cheap (W/O faceplate) to use for parts. Fired it up, it "works" and can generate decent sound and power, but I don't think it sounds quite as good as it should. I ran it yesterday for a couple of hours feeding Dahlquist Dq-10's. It sure did get hot. Looking in back, quite a collection of different transistors. Starting with a good new matched set might be a good plan for this amp.
The meters don't work correctly on the II. Left one stops at about half power when the amp is producing well over half. The right one stays pegged indicating clipping at any volume level above about 0. Reading the service manual, repair of the original meter boards does not look too difficult. I was monitoring amp power with a Crown OC-150 verified against another 200WPC amp. Looking inside, there is an axial lead capacitor on the back of the right board that is not on the left board, go figure?
Anyone have a faceplate for sale? Any other inputs on my 3 projects are are welcome. BTW, I don't love the PL400II original cosmetics, so a beat up faceplate suitable for painting would be fine with me.