Hi Huys Good Morning from Chile, regarding FF yes is Fly Fishing, and sea run brown trouts down patagonia can average Monster sizes, also rainbows in some spots are huge easily can go up 30 inches and more, meaning in weght over 12 pound mine great one is close to 15 pounds on a 5WR, 4X 9 feet leader, regarding bird watching is also amazing just let me know how can I help you from here about those two topics and Ill be happy to do it.
Now going back to my PL I saw that basically I can chage it complete, if I go thru all the modifications I assume the result will be something glorious, but becasue before I run need to lear to walk what are the modifications that I really need to make now to this amp, lets say 2015 project and what should be left for 2016 project, knowing that a skilled on leectroncis will take a month or so to do it, due Im not and most of the job will be made by a skilled technician who will charge me, please give according your experience what must be change now and what can wait.
I wrote the southern Patagonia Chapter of this book, unfortunately is not longer available
PS: In the meantime till I made the modifications do you suggest me to put a fuse on the speakers line in order to protect it? Today is Friday night ALONE wife and kids out so I´ll push the PL a little bit