Well, it wasn’t “vintage” when I got into it.
For some reason, we had a subscription to High Fidelity magazine when I was in elementary school. I spent a lot of time drawing ridiculous systems with knobs, dials meters and big tape reels. There was another kid in school and he and I would compare our creations...
Slowly I started building a system. My current main system is the result of a few decades of refinement. But I think it’s done.
I’ve been playing drums for over 40 years, despite my failure in the music industry. I’ve played in big bands, marching band, drum corps style full band touring Europe a couple summers, jazz, rock, funk and progressive. We cut an EP with the progressive band.
I also enjoy restoration. It was cars and Land-Rovers when I had time and space; my latest work was a wagon for my son. Prior, and currently, restoring a TOTL Kenwood system.
KD-5070 table
KT-8300 tuner
KX-1030 cassette
KA-9100 integrated
Along with Yamaha NS-10T speakers. Maybe I’ll find some Kenwood ones at some point.
Other than that, I’m the senior engineer at a company overseeing the restoration of compressor blades and couplings for the P&W F100-229 engine. We also do an upgrade to the P&W F119 outer duct. Current project is PW4000 blades.