

Chief Journeyman
Jul 26, 2011
Absurdy, new name of France
You never have too much tapedecks ^^
@20tajk7 - Spot on! And it looked far to good to butcher, and i have too many decks already! Sigh, should have purchased it as it was going for a great price... But then i would have been tempted to strip the heads out, and that would have been wrong...
These Philips decks are very cool and doesn't have brittle plastic gears inside, these are basically an Alpage AL-300 with digital tape counter and FL tube vu meter.
Looking for one of these to take company of my AL-300's (currently have 8, that's never too much !)


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Hi Vince,

When i did my Mech Eng degree there was no such thing as software... CNC was just becoming a thing... All drawn by hand and machined with your hands..... sigh

I am not in that world anymore, which is a shame as i feel that it is something that is lacking from today's working practices..... Good luck and Kudos to you, great subject to learn...

I am probably too old to learn something new, although bizarrely i am trying to rediscover Japanese! I did a very short exercise in this language when i was in the 6th Form at school ( My Chemistry teacher was a POW in the Pacific in the second world war for 4 years, And learnt excellent Japanese! He tried to teach myself and a friend )

Stay safe - I need to send you a tape i just made!


actually, when I had started university, it was still quite like you are describing... Autocad was a very new thing running on MS-DOS without any mouse and the latest computer just arrived in the market had an intel 80486 processor at like 33Mhz... i am talking about 30 years ago and had just happened to know that early version of Autocad only because I was studying at the Polytechnic University in Torino (best one by far here in Italy and one of the two best ones in Europe back then) , but when soon later i switched to the university of my own region, still a good one but not as good as the one in Torino, they barely knew what a CAD software really was!
Anyways, when i stopped in early 2000's, things had just got quite more "modern" and 3D modelling software and CNC was just the way to go.
This matter I am doing now is one i should have made quite at the beginning but, somehow, i had always left it behind. :p

And, yes, it's extremely hard to study new things at this age... much harder than back in my 20's... not that my brain doesn't work nicely, but my head isn't as free as it could be back then when I could forget all the rest and think to only study and have fun during the spare time... nowadays, i can study just during the spare time! :p

But, hey, i believe we are never too old to learn something new... after all, we do learn new things just everyday even if we don't realize it.
And, if anything, I prefer to recall my dad's example about that... he was a brilliant mechanical engineer himself, took his degree in year 1950 and when he was 90 yrs old a dozen years ago he was still studying new things about mechanics... he passed away one year later, though.

Cheers my friend,

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Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Hey Vince, good that you are learning 3D MCAD tools, we need more of that in this world.

Valuable skill, will you be working for a company that has/uses those tools?
Thank You! :D

If anything, i am finding this 3D modelling software quite easy to learn.

Working for a company with these tools? I hope, of course but, really, at now I just don't know... need to complete my degree first and then see what happens. :D