Happy Birthday nakdoc and Phase Linear Phanatic


Chief Journeyman
May 11, 2011
Nashville, TN Music City
highly biased
OK, but 70 is old. My wife threw a surprise party last night and it was great. She went through my phone contacts and invited friends of mine she had never met. Bob, she would have invited you but she stuck with 615 area codes!
A friend last night told a story about his father's wisdom concerning "Retirement". His father felt that retirement is what happens after you die - you basically go away from the world. His dad said "all that has happened is a change in what you do during your days." I've been working in my "Secret Undergound Lab for 1.5 years now, and yes, it is something different. I enjoy my bench time immensley.
Happy birthdat to PLP. A PL 400 "kit" arrived last week for repair - helping an associate out of a hole created when he let his audio tech go. The 400 has the fiberglass driver board and the speaker relay, so it should be up and running soon.

Bob Boyer

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 24, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
Indeed! Happy Birthday, guys!

Tom - I would have been honored to attend but I get it. You probably have a bunch of friends just in the 615. Hope all is well - I'm not too far behind at 67 and a half...