Greetings from upstate NY - have owned the same Dual 500 the past 4 decades...

Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
So, I've had better luck than I expected in finding some old-school test equipment for the electronics lab that I'm piecing together from scratch.

It almost feels like I'm putting together an ark, for I'm finding myself buying not 1 but 2 of each item...just to make sure that between the two I can end up with a good usable piece of test equipment. (Well, 2 unknown boxes plus a boatload of new capacitors...)

Even though I consider myself a pragmatist, I saw someone on YouTube earlier in the day who kinda scared me...for as I'm getting into all this, I can easily see how this lab gear thing can get away from ya...
Too much equipment - is it possible.jpg PS: This guy isn't spoofing himself -- he takes this all very seriously...

Hmmm...I wonder if he knows how many individual buttons are in his lab? And how many knobs? Does he have a spreadsheet documenting all his treasure?

...This is not my beautiful house.

...This is not my beautiful wife.

...And this is not my beautiful lab.

And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


So many interesting people out there, so little time...
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Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
Elsewhere in the "What are you doing today?" thread Lee has gone above & beyond in showing us all that there are no guarantees in life. (!)


I was reflecting upon this while logging onto the interwebs this morning...and on my way here I stumbled across the following article that seems appropriate for the moment: The Zen Rule for Becoming Happier: Change One Thing

FWIW I would add a 5th, courtesy of one of my mentors:

5) Quality is the Constant, and Time is the Variable.


Take the opportunity to make the very most of the time you have to work with...for tomorrow is not a given.

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Nov 15, 2021
near Liverpool, NY
Lifelong student / listening = bliss
Sincere apologies for going offline for the past while. In this post to the 'whats at your bedside' thread I made a passing reference to what was going on in my personal life...and sadly the palliative/hospice care has come to the end for someone I deeply care for. To say that it took the wind out of my sails would be an understatement. To anyone out there reading this, I would simply implore you to enjoy your friends and family members as much as humanly possible while the opportunity is there to do so. (!)


So, while going through all this, not having any idea of what had happened to me, Mr. Laatsch actually reached out via phone and asked if I was alright?

This simple act was both humbling and energizing.

All I can say is that the collection of people in this forum is really & truly different.

To me, it just feels

Peggy shared a love for music -- especially enjoying live music. In this regard, she was my partner in crime.

She would definitely approve of my hanging out in this forum in my pursuit of bringing the sound of live music to my listening space.


It's good to be back. Lee, thanks for asking -- I needed that.

Cheers --


Chief Journeyman
Jun 24, 2019
Man, Ya shoulda been here yesterday
Sincere apologies for going offline for the past while. In this post to the 'whats at your bedside' thread I made a passing reference to what was going on in my personal life...and sadly the palliative/hospice care has come to the end for someone I deeply care for. To say that it took the wind out of my sails would be an understatement. To anyone out there reading this, I would simply implore you to enjoy your friends and family members as much as humanly possible while the opportunity is there to do so. (!)


So, while going through all this, not having any idea of what had happened to me, Mr. Laatsch actually reached out via phone and asked if I was alright?

This simple act was both humbling and energizing.

All I can say is that the collection of people in this forum is really & truly different.

To me, it just feels

Peggy shared a love for music -- especially enjoying live music. In this regard, she was my partner in crime.

She would definitely approve of my hanging out in this forum in my pursuit of bringing the sound of live music to my listening space.


It's good to be back. Lee, thanks for asking -- I needed that.

Cheers --
Very sorry to read of your loss and many of us here have experienced such also, this place does seem to help to give some stabilization. Mr. Laatsch is apparently one of the best there is, someday maybe I hope to get the chance to meet in person. Keep the great memories and keep hanging around here it is an amazing place.

Vintage 700b

Chief Journeyman
Mar 13, 2019
Hello Davis,
You are correct, the forum is more like family. You bring so much to the family; we really have missed your contributions.
My prayers are with you and your family every day. The healing takes time, and we are all here for you in that time.
Sorry for your loss.
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Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Hello Davis
Very sorry to hear about your loss. Even when you know the inevitable, it is still a shock when someone you love dearly passes on. Trust that your Peggy is now in God’s hands. This family is nowhere the same, but nevertheless we are here for you.

Take care


Chief Journeyman
Feb 9, 2013
Hudson Valley NY
I’m sorry to hear the pain and grief you have been through, Davis. I'm sure your pain will heal over time. I'm not one to frequent social media, like FB, but the people in this community truly are here for the purpose of supporting and helping each of us in so many ways. This is one of the few places where you can learn about technology and learn more about yourself along the way.

A saying I heard long ago really applies here..."None of us is stronger than all of us".

One of these days I'd like to try and get upstate and see your shop!


Veteran and General Yakker
Dec 24, 2019
I lost my mom when she was 51. Since my 51st birthday, I’ve thought about her a lot.

But I know that you just never know what tomorrow might bring. Sure we miss those we’ve lost but we need to move on. Not just for ourselves, but for them too. I’m sure my
Mom would not want me wasting whatever time I might have worrying about those that have left.

Everuone is different, but we all follow the same path. Maybe see different things along the way, maybe take a longer or shorter path, but we start the same and end the same.

Make the most of what you’ve got to work with. I’m sure trying.