Definitely a "Toe Tapper"
with your "toe" mention it comes to my mind another CRAZY anectode... quite far out, actually...
unfortunately there is no way to upload a video here and, of course, i never loaded it on youtube (etc)...
but one summer day of about 15 years ago (at least 15 years ago as my hairs weren't all white yet), on the beach with my friends i was playing a few songs on my nylon guitar...
at some point, on a moment of total crazyness, i started playing U2's "sunday bloody sunday" with my right hand picking the strings and my left foot's toe pushing the notes of the fingerboard... it was first time i tried such a thing but it quite worked...
just after a few seconds i started, my friends turned their look at me and started laughing and immediately started filming me with their phone, that's why i have the video of that crazy thing!

i have it loaded as the only video in my own facebook profile, though... but maybe by setting the privacy of this video as "public" and adding the link here it does really work! LOL (

As you can see, it was a first try and i was telling my friends that "i needed to do some practice" but i never really did that anymore at all but, hey, i was also trying to sing the song while playing! LOL
This tells a lot about how difficult it was to play Edge's guitar parts... LOL!