After dealing with Win 11/Office 365/Teams/Onedrive at work I'm convinced M$ hates their customers. Everything you try to save in office defaults to one drive and it just creates headaches for me because everyone loses documents
I pretty much am the IT department at my office, the head office is hiring some guy to look over cyber security, which is good because I have no formal IT education. I want my co workers to take a basic computer course because apparently I can't explain the difference between Google docs/Office/web browser/computers hard drive. But the sneaky way M$ wants everything in onedrive is irritating. We don't use onedrive
I pretty much am the IT department at my office, the head office is hiring some guy to look over cyber security, which is good because I have no formal IT education. I want my co workers to take a basic computer course because apparently I can't explain the difference between Google docs/Office/web browser/computers hard drive. But the sneaky way M$ wants everything in onedrive is irritating. We don't use onedrive
There are numerous tools that aren't terribly complicated to use that shut-down all M$ telemetry spying & "feature" BS - supporting both Win 10 and 11.
Disabling One Drive is a piece of cake...
I live near the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. My sister and bro-in-law lived here since ‘78.
I’m waiting for some landing gear to fall onto I-20 or I-26 any day. Surprised it hasn’t happened in 48 years of my familiarity of this area.
There was one flyover of my house where I could almost see the passengers of a big plane passing over my yard…