Thats a good price. I paid 140 for my 400X a few years back. I knew it could be found cheaper, but the seller was local, and it was in mint shape. Not to mention it was needed at the time.
After a few weeks of on and off fiddling with 1/4" aluminum plate, I incorporated the Pioneer RT-707 and a DBX 200 into the cart with the Teac A3300. The thing is now almost too heavy to roll around on carpet and I should have installed 3" castors while it was apart. The vacated stand space is now occupied by Nando's ex-CTF950.
Good work there, Gary. Casters are definitely needed to get that cart moving around with all the weight you're dealing with. It will be nice to see the CT-F950 slotted in. You got a good deal on the dbx 200.