I have this Dynakit ST70 it was dead when I got it so I dug into it and got it up and running, sounding good but needs at least new tubes. Plan for this is to drive my Altec HF horns, may do some upgrading on it first. Next on my plate is to get the pl400 up and running. I had bought a pl400 bare chassis that only had the transformer on it to build a wopl 400 but I needed meters for it so I grabbed a 400 off fleabay for the meters. Well when it got here it was just to nice of a 400 to gut and it ran well. Soo I bought another 400 and used it for the meters. But that 400 ended up cooking the left channel. I think I want to get it running to drive my Altec mid cabs. Think I will put a WO control board and upgraded power caps in but not sure about the back planes....