I finally found the clips at Lowe's. Only took me three trips. For anyone else looking they are Ideal Brand item number 772412 Ground Clip Molio Clip Trombone fondant 14-10 Gauge/Calibrador/Calabre and are 25 per pack. $4.33 per pack. The ones I found are green and were hanging from a peg in the area near the electrical supplies, but on the oposite side of the isle...Go figure...
I hooked a battery to one of the fans and they are pretty cool little buggers. Absolutely dead quite...no sound at all, but there may be when I put the three per amp and give it power from the power supply. They do not move nearly as much air as the 120V AC versions you built Lee, but I think they will move enough air to keep the transistors cool. Can't wait for the power supply to arrive. I think I'm going to get a second one for the other side of the rack, and run three sets of fans from each supply. Since these are smaller than the ones Lee made, I gotta determine whether to have the base of the fans at the bottom of the heatsinks, or at the top...D the drivers typically get hotter than the outputs, or is it the other way around? Probably not much difference either way.