DSL modem


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
This thing keeps dropping the line :angryfire: It always seems to be this time of year, the junction box is across the street in an alley, Quest trucks are there all the time. At first I thought it was a heat problem, but it does it at night and in the morning when it's cooler out, the modem is a ZyXEL P-600 series, the ethernet light ususally stays on but the DSL and internet ones go out. Whats up with that?


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
That's a bad line, alright. Can be tough to get fixed, but you definitely have to call it in and have Qwest do it.

But.. there are a few things you can try. 1st... make sure that all other phones have that DSL filter on them, and you may want to unplug each (filter and all) to see if the issue improves.

2nd - As a temporary check/fix.. do what is called a "home run", which is run a temporary line right from the outside where the phone comes in straight to the modem.

finally... go here ... this site is 100 percent the authority when it comes to great info...



Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Thankee, lots of good info there, like about the dslam line being full, and that it would still show training at acceptable rate in a diagnostic check, and the this-----"At least in much of Metro Phoenix, Qwest has run fiber to a lot of neighborhood nodes (FTTN). This will extend their legacy topology to a degree. However, from what I can see, they have often made very poor siting choices as to where they located their cable cabinets. I mean, if you spend a lot of splashy new bucks putting cabinets in locations surrounded by transient apartment dwellers, how is your investment going to pay off?

Also sounds like my situ

When it starts to act up again, I'l check the phone ( I only have one in the house) and unplug it and see if that helps.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
stuwee said:
This thing keeps dropping the line :angryfire: It always seems to be this time of year, the junction box is across the street in an alley, Quest trucks are there all the time. At first I thought it was a heat problem, but it does it at night and in the morning when it's cooler out, the modem is a ZyXEL P-600 series, the ethernet light ususally stays on but the DSL and internet ones go out. Whats up with that?

QWest has about a baxillion and three different DSL doohickies...mine is an Actiontec BK5000.

I'm not totally woried about the line to the box or theline to the house...

What is the line into the house like and how many devices are on that line?

Change are it's the same copper pairs that were there in the sixties or you need to either consoidated or have a proper extension run.

Did you retain any line repair service for the interior lines? Did you know that they have/had a service where you could pay a monthly charge to have that done up to your phones and not including your own work)?

I had an extension installed in the bedroom because the line I ran through the conduit with the others kept cutting out. It cost me about a hundred bucks but I have a ROTARY 1983 Stromberg Carlson for backup, FWIW. With the medical problems I can have it was essential.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Oh yeah, it Qwest trucks are there 'all the time' it's also quite possible THEY are the outage reason.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Hmmmm, not sure about the line in this spare bedroom, the original part of the house was built in the 40's, I'm not sure how to check the line going in there. the only thing hooked up to it should be the computer unless it splits off to the phone in the kitchen right next to it. I'll have to hunt around.

You could be right about the Qwest trucks, I'll have to look at that as well, I can see the box from the street.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
What a freakin' mess the wiring in this house is :shock: I'm surprised hasn't burned down :eek: , seriously I found the wire, looks like a cheap barely sheathed thing, it goes into a hole?? poked thru the stucco in the last pic.

I'm glad I went out to snap the pics, Anniepoo's water bucket was pretty low and had lot's of crap in it, was very windy yesterday :oops:



Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
In case anyone is wondering, that big silver box in the second pic is the gas water heater, good to have them outside the house in case it lets go, I had that happen once in another house while I was at work. I had 100's of Lps on the floor and ruined the covers :evil:


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
laatsch55 said:
A wee bit slow??
No, droppin' be faster than Maria dropped Arnie, and right as I was posting a small novella about the X-amp, hit submit, and Poof, Gone, Vapor, it's fine now, the porn video downloaders in the hood got their fill. It seems to do it early in the morning and in the evening, heavy usage times. I hate having to spend $79.45 a month for crappy service, just bitch'n sa'll better now.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
You have Qwest or does Jesus love you better?


Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2010
Bensenville, IL
Work too much
Hi Stuwee,
I had a DSL before I gave AT&T the boot and the most of the problems I had being in Chicago was due to bad wiring. The DSL makes use of the good old twisted pair to the CO (central Office) and these wires can be over 50 years old in a lot of cases. Then there are service techs messing with the lines as they search for a empty line due to a failed line- one that has opened up. In my experience, since DSL signal superimposes on the analog line, if you have a data outage then listen for noise on the phone line. First check for Dial tone, then pres a single tone button and listen carefully, any noise on the line hum or crackle will make less your DSL connection speed, If all the analog stuff checks out then the problem may be a bad concentrator- this is like a network hub at the cental office to provide the DSL connection in to the main T3's. Also the terminal devices that convert your DSL signal to RJ45 need to be rebooted now and then.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Also.. heavy usage will not cause you to actually "drop". And by "drop", I mean your modem actually has to reconnect and resync. That "connection" per se is point to point, i.e. one point being "you" and the other being either a Remote Terminal or Central Office. Even if the fiber carrying your connection behind the CO/RT gets cut, that will never cause you to lose actual sync (or carrier.. same principle).

Next time it drops, tell me what lights on the modem change in behavior and what they do. If it's just the online light.. that's one thing... but there are other indications that should show an actual issue between you and the RT/CO.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Well lets see, when it 'drops', the DSL and internet light go out, power and ethernet lights stay on. whatever I was doing, the green bar at the bottom of the screen slowly creeps to the right, then the screen goes into "Internet connection failed" white after an agonizing long time.

The DSL light will come on, followed by the internet light and I might get lucky to continue or I might not with the two lights quickly going out again and getting 'dropped'.

The phone line has been quite noisey lately, not all the time, but enough that you notice right away as soon as you put it to your ear, white noise sounding. I will check in the morning (when it usually acts up) if it coerates.

Jerry, I have no idea where the filter is on the phone. I'll have dale check it he should know.

Thanks guys!!


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
When I used to have DSL, we had these things here that we would have to plug in between every phone and the wall. It kept the DSL signals filtered out and trapped on the other end.

They also go bad, and when that happens the DSL signal will frequently get lost. Bad (or going bad) phones will also do you in with interference.

Ya.. from what you stated.. you're losing the signal. That doesn't happen because of congestion.