Da Move ... The Perks of Exiting California ...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I think you're probably more worried about it than us, Craig.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Ya'll are more than entitled to your liberal opinions, we've had many, many discussions here on politics. I've made my points very clear. Sure, some of them have pissed folks off here, guess what? I Don't care!! I do care that many of my friends no longer care if I live or die or, even hang out here anymore. I am open to discussing things up in 'the cave' with some, others I will not give the time of day to.
I can't think of anyone that thinks like that about you Craig, I know I would not think like that no matter what about anyone. People may argue about shit but it's really not worth getting pissed off other then that initial moment. We have more in common then not in common on this board or it would not have been here this long and stay active

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Ya'll are more than entitled to your liberal opinions, we've had many, many discussions here on politics. I've made my points very clear. Sure, some of them have pissed folks off here, guess what? I Don't care!! I do care that many of my friends no longer care if I live or die or, even hang out here anymore. I am open to discussing things up in 'the cave' with some, others I will not give the time of day to.

I was using the 'Canadian freaks' in a general term, if that is beyond your grasp of thought, read a book, I'm not stupid enough to miss the fact that conservatives live everywhere and that WE are not always right! When a huge portion of a large populated area starts enforcing laws that undermine authority something is wrong...Sanctuary States/cities. Yep, I understand we are all not on the same page, my Momma raised a faggot and not a fool :tongue:

If I say :thefinger: liberals, I mean just that, you are not the Elite/ist or even close, I struggle with the thinking of my many beloved friends and relatives as they expound, over and over why 'THEY' are right and 'WE' are wrong...WTF??? Neither of us has the answers, DOH!!!
Did you smoke too much and let a little paranoia in the back door (no pun intended)?....