Couldn't resist


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Web Police said:

:thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: Freakin' Moron, You know what burns my ass? The way the Republicans love to throw all the blame on Obama, with out one single one of them Man or Womaning up that their party had so much to do with it, ASSholes the lot of them, I hope Jesus comes and the Repubs can have a cocktail party in purgatory, I'd like to bugger all of them!!! :angryfire: :angryfire:

Lee, how can you live in a place that allows that shit on the road??


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
That was on the Texico hiway Brother, 'tween New Mexico and Texas!!

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Not saying Obama is great, but under the circumstance he inherited what does anyone expect? We will never be the same nation, the same way the the guy making 30K a year owned a $300,000 house, two cars, a vacation home and a boat. You can only hold the charade for so long before paying the piper. This country has obligations hat exceed $1,000,000 per tax payer and it didn't all happen since Obama has got into office. So yeah I couldn't resist. :cyclops:


Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
As a starting point, I would expect real leadership and not spending the country into a hole from which it is almost impossible to recover. O'Dummy has done neither and is nothing more than a street corner thug playing president in a once great country.... If the socialist donkey wins in 2012 the country is toast. Socialism has never worked in history and will never work in the future. Nobody has a right to steal from someone else for their gain and that is the real basis of socialism.



Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
stuwee said:
I'm sorry, we can no longer allow Minnesotians to post in political threads :eek: , did your state government open back up yet?

Hopefully it will stay shutdown for a long while...... The spending in this state is totally out of control as is government as a whole.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
The redistribution of wealth. The last 2 years of Busch we had a democratic Senate and House. What is up with this President and the Unions? I have been a Union member. I don't get it. Plus all the Czars. That wasn't Bush. Expanding Federal Employees by 25% wasn't Bush. This President has doubled our Debt. That wasn't Bush. Look at his last budget. That wasn't Busch. For 2 years we pushed Health Care instead of working on jobs and the debt. That wasn't Bush. The 9.1 unemployment wasn't Bush. The auto bailout wasn't Bush. The Dollar dropping like a lead balloon wasn't Bush. So all you that support Obama think we should give him 4 more years and then he will bring this country back to where it should be. You guys would still be blaming Bush. This guy is not a leader. He has been on the campaign stump the whole time he has been in office.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
Look where he came from, in Illinois you are being a bad parent if you let your children grow up to be a politician.

In Illinois if you have a politician on your right and a politician on your left, you are probably in jail.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I would be for enlisting the Army to quarantine ALL OF THEM until they do something useful but I'll be living in a tree fighting of the old ladies I'd rather hug for toilet paper leaves just as fall comes and we go to war with the Southern Hemisphere for theirs...

but what do I care, my father will just die faster.

The old ladies will still have some gas in their RVs and hybrids so life will be dangerous until I join the RV faction.

We elected OURSELVES so why should we expext better?

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
speakerman1 said:
The redistribution of wealth. The last 2 years of Busch we had a democratic Senate and House. What is up with this President and the Unions? I have been a Union member. I don't get it. Plus all the Czars. That wasn't Bush. Expanding Federal Employees by 25% wasn't Bush. This President has doubled our Debt. That wasn't Bush. Look at his last budget. That wasn't Busch. For 2 years we pushed Health Care instead of working on jobs and the debt. That wasn't Bush. The 9.1 unemployment wasn't Bush. The auto bailout wasn't Bush. The Dollar dropping like a lead balloon wasn't Bush. So all you that support Obama think we should give him 4 more years and then he will bring this country back to where it should be. You guys would still be blaming Bush. This guy is not a leader. He has been on the campaign stump the whole time he has been in office.


Lets see, 79% of the increases in employment were in the areas of Defense and Homeland Security, due to some dunderhead letting terrorist strike this country on his watch, while him and his buddies were getting rich in oil of the the US people. So yes it was Bush, if he had been paying more attention instead of being asleep at the wheel then we probably wouldn't need to be spending trillions of dollars on defense and supporting troops in two countries where the only war is the war we are making.

Getting health care in emergency rooms generally costs a lot more than getting preventative health care and either way the taxpayers will shoulder the burden. So we should catch things earlier when the are easier to cure and cost a lot less to treat.

Bush and the presidents before him started us on the road to high unemployment. There is no way this country can support the standard of living we enjoyed for the past 50 years except by borrowing. If you think it is bad now, just wait. doesn't matter Democrat or Republican they will not be able to fix this mess without a lot of pain.

The Dollar is dropping because of the heavy borrowing we as a country are doing. A lot of it due to living higher off the hog that this country can afford.

I am with you regarding Government spending though. Anyone collecting social security, medicare, medicaid, or disability should just be cut off cold turkey. All we need are a crew of minimum wage bob cat drivers and a big pit and anyone who cannot manage without help gets to meet the bottom of the pit. :cyclops:

I'll be patient and give the next Republican President two years to fix all of our troubles and if he or she doesn't well then throw them under the bus too. I hope you will like Bachmann as you next president. :cyclops:


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
This SSI and Medicare thing gets me. So me paying into those trust funds was for naught. That isn't the governments money it is mine. My hospital ER doesn't even take medicaid. You think that Obama care is going to stop the waits in the ERs and stop costing us money. Preventive care? Where are you going to find a Dr. to do it? Web it is OK to follow the talking points of the Dems. I live with someone who had medical care in Canada and England. She prefers the states care. She has lived on both sides of the coin. Why do Canadians come here for care? You don't see any americans going to Canada for care. It isn't going to be like you think. Someone is going to have to pay. Nothing in life is free.



Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
speakerman1 said:
Stuwee I meant no harm. I just grazed over it. I apologize.

Accepted buddy :love3: , I didn't think you meant any, but when you spout about stuff like you do, I wasn't sure....the damn internet, safe behind a keyboard syndrome, and all that. You could probably kick my scrawny butt anyway :mrgreen:

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I agree with what Rex says to some degree. I don't see eye to eye with the republicans or democrats, I am more in the middle. I don't like government handouts and I don't like the republicans pulling the rug out of the unfortunate.

As far as being your money in SS and Medicare and Medicaid you are damn right, but it is your money being squandered in the military also. Call me selfish but I'd rather take care of our own citizens before I give a rats ass about anyone in any other country. If our citizens need medical care and housing and education we need to help them out.

In my opinion once we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan they are gonna go right back to where they were before we wasted trillions on them. Yes Federal and State Government should be a lot smaller than they are and the taxes collected should stay closer to where they are collected. The government and it's officials cave into special interests and spend far too much money on useless things. Definitely taxes should be a lot lower as citizens are more informed and can make better spending decisions that some millionaire in Washington. :thumbright:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yep, the Senate is fixin to do away with Ethanol susidies so at least the price of corn should start dropping. For Christ sake we have people starving and they want to make fuel out of food!!