speakerman1 said:
The redistribution of wealth. The last 2 years of Busch we had a democratic Senate and House. What is up with this President and the Unions? I have been a Union member. I don't get it. Plus all the Czars. That wasn't Bush. Expanding Federal Employees by 25% wasn't Bush. This President has doubled our Debt. That wasn't Bush. Look at his last budget. That wasn't Busch. For 2 years we pushed Health Care instead of working on jobs and the debt. That wasn't Bush. The 9.1 unemployment wasn't Bush. The auto bailout wasn't Bush. The Dollar dropping like a lead balloon wasn't Bush. So all you that support Obama think we should give him 4 more years and then he will bring this country back to where it should be. You guys would still be blaming Bush. This guy is not a leader. He has been on the campaign stump the whole time he has been in office.
Lets see, 79% of the increases in employment were in the areas of Defense and Homeland Security, due to some dunderhead letting terrorist strike this country on his watch, while him and his buddies were getting rich in oil of the the US people. So yes it was Bush, if he had been paying more attention instead of being asleep at the wheel then we probably wouldn't need to be spending trillions of dollars on defense and supporting troops in two countries where the only war is the war we are making.
Getting health care in emergency rooms generally costs a lot more than getting preventative health care and either way the taxpayers will shoulder the burden. So we should catch things earlier when the are easier to cure and cost a lot less to treat.
Bush and the presidents before him started us on the road to high unemployment. There is no way this country can support the standard of living we enjoyed for the past 50 years except by borrowing. If you think it is bad now, just wait. doesn't matter Democrat or Republican they will not be able to fix this mess without a lot of pain.
The Dollar is dropping because of the heavy borrowing we as a country are doing. A lot of it due to living higher off the hog that this country can afford.
I am with you regarding Government spending though. Anyone collecting social security, medicare, medicaid, or disability should just be cut off cold turkey. All we need are a crew of minimum wage bob cat drivers and a big pit and anyone who cannot manage without help gets to meet the bottom of the pit.
I'll be patient and give the next Republican President two years to fix all of our troubles and if he or she doesn't well then throw them under the bus too. I hope you will like Bachmann as you next president.