Carver m500t Reviews and opinions?


Chief Journeyman
Aug 3, 2011
Had one of the T amps, The Carver TFM-25. I would not call it a bad amp, but I wouldn't recommend it either. Had it on the rack when I stumbled into a 700 years ago. It left shortly after that. Sounds like your dad wants a Carver amp real bad, so let him get it. Some have to "see it" for themselves to believe it. I myself think he is in love with the M500T's meters. Kinda like the Onkyo M50X line, which is a lot different than the Carver T amps, but with similar results. Big beautiful meters draw you in, the sound sends you packing! I have not heard BC's Sunfire amps, but am I am guessing his best was his first (at least for SS). Joe and Lee are giving it a new and better life however. Wonder if Bob is following what is going on with his first commercial design?

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Let him get the carver and his ears can decide. If he doesn't like them then he can always resell them and move on. Most people either like or dislike Carver amps, not much room in the middle though.

I have two Carver A500X amps and they sound good to me, certainly not the best amp out there, but mine hold their own among my amps. Of course these amps came along much farther down the line then the M500 amps and they had time to fix earlier issues with the design.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
I am taking my Phase Linear 700B (700 watt R.M.S.) version over to him today. Try to force him to give it a go on his low end for a trial run. I only see him once a month, and I eat sleep and work, so I don't get much of a chance to communicate with him. I'll let you know how it goes. This is what he's getting. How could you NOT want this guys? (he's crazy!)



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
David, old fogies like me and your Dad aren't crazy, we just don't give a flying rat's ass what people think anymore.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Lee, I guess your right. Because he didn't take this forums advice or mine and he's not going for the carvers either now? I asked "then what the hell are you all trying to do here?". His response, "just talking". I had the 700B sitting right there and he would NOT allow me to swap out the PL 400 even just for a test. Couldn't give me a valid reason. Are you sure it doesn't go BEYOND just not giving a rats ass, but moving more towards the senile route? (Just saying).........:tongue10: LOL!
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
How old is he?? Maybe he just wanted to see his son??
65? Roughly? Yeah I work a shit ton o' hours. It's possible? The only thing we really share the most are PL and speakers. Maybe that's why i yelled "traitooooooorrrrr" and waved my finger at him when he wanted to dump his PL 400's in favor of another amp? LOL! Funny .gif of the old man with the cane? I Like that. He sometimes reminds me of Walter Mathow or Jack Lemon in "grumpy old men". Funny movie, but my dad to a T. :tongue10:


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I wasn't able to see my boys for 7 years at one time. Tore me up. The ex had a plan and it worked till the boys started to root out the truth. I now see them every day, work with em, play with em, fish with em. Have watched as they started their families, helped them grow into fine young men, good fathers, good husbands etc. Most of that 7 years all I could do was tell myself" you times comin man, your times comin........." not much to hold onto, but it's what I had. I've noticed as I get older time is speeding up, and believe me I savor every moment when I'm around people I love, cause it can change in the next moment, that next phone call, the next knock on the door. I do not end any conversation on the phone or in person without telling that person I love em, cause that could very well be the last time I have the chance to say it...

So when your Dad seems a little onery sometimes, maybe he's wishing the time he spends with you would just slow down a bit......


Chief Journeyman
Aug 3, 2011
I've noticed as I get older time is speeding up, and believe me I savor every moment when I'm around people I love, cause it can change in the next moment, that next phone call, the next knock on the door. I do not end any conversation on the phone or in person without telling that person I love em, cause that could very well be the last time I have the chance to say it...
Amen brother and well said.
May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Bought Two Carver M500t's

Well guys; I searched the web to exhaustion over the last half year, and the positives (what little I found-it is hard to find a LOT of info on these amps), simply outweigh what negative I hear on these amps. Nobody on the net seems to say bad stuff about the SOUND. So I am surprising my dad this year with a pair of Carver M500t's. This way he can try them out for himself. I have them in my two channel system right now and am using my Arcam as a pre. They sound wonderful to me? So I'm sure he will be pleased. He will then quad-amp his speakers downstairs. Meaning, two bi-amped PAIRS of Bozak Concert Grands. Four PL 400's in total. Then his third pair of grands upstairs will receive the carvers. Hope he enjoys them. Because along with the carvers, he is getting the Carver placard, and two WOA PL 400 light boards for his remaining "non-WOA" light board PL 400's.

I will let the community know his opinion. As I appreciate the opinions and help you guys gave me on this. And if anyone has anything else they'd like to add on these things, (good or bad) I will gladly hear them.

Much appreciative!

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Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
I am sure your Dad will be thrilled to get the Carver amps to add to his systems, they look cosmetically very nice. Good score.
