OK so you have 0.126V across the 10 ohm R38 on the left channel, that means you have 12.6 mA flowing somewhere. You have to pinpoint this "somewhere."
Suspects are the 1N4004 flyback diodes, D14 and D15 on the left channel being wounded and leaky. The bias should be ZERO or nearly so with this test. By the fact that you moved the RCA410s from side to side and the 0.126 stayed with the left hand side, it tells you that the 410s are not leaky which is a good sign. The left channel Zoebel could also be the culprit but the diodes are much more likely.
Also disconnect pin 4 from the board on the left channel and see if that changes the situation or not. You could also have a wounded Q7 but that does not seem as likely.
I think you said you have no DC protect in this amp as well, correct? Just asking because I do not want to forget this circuitry in the event that you do have one installed.