Best AM FM Stereo RF Generator for a Newbie

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
So how close did I get originally setting the Panasonic Signal Generators frequency by using it to transmit to a SDRPlay receiver? Damn close.
Close enough that a frequency standard really isn't needed.
But it's nice to have a standard available.
Not doing anymore to the Panasonic until I have time and bench space to do a full alignment also using the spectrum analyzer.
Lots more to learn about the GPS receiver. The RS232 null modem cable works excellent. Very easy to connect to the receiver from Windows using PuTTy serial terminal.


George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
terminal emulator....
Yup. Think Windows 7 was last OS with HyperTerminal. I never used it or learned about it as I had no equipment or application requiring it.
Tried 4 or 5 different free emulators for Windows 10. PuTTy seems easiest for me to use for serial communications.

Peter S

Jun 29, 2019
Ontario Canada
Hi George and All. I finally got one! I had my heart set on this particular model. It has a built in FM Stereo modulator and yet seems incredibly straight forward. An entry level RF signal generator. I still don't know my Ratio Detector from a hole in the Discriminator but I believe this could be just the thing. Kind of partial to Leader as they seem to make great gear for 'simple folks'. I have contacted Leader about info on the model 3214. They immediately responded with the operating manual but said the service manual was unavailable due to it's age. I will keep looking for a schematic etc. for reference and calibration, hopefully not repair!.


Peter S

Jun 29, 2019
Ontario Canada
I may be in the market for more gear already... The first victim, a Yamaha CR-800, calls for a sweep generator to be connected to an input jack of the tuner board to adjust for an "S" curve. Is there no way to adjust the FM IF with just a 10.7 MHz output from the Leader 3214?


George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
I see that as step 1 on page 11.
Do you have one of those cheap Arbitrary Waveform Generators?
If so, you most probably can generate it in the software and then play the file through the signal generator.
I'm glad you brought this up, as it's something I've been needing to do, as in updating my units firmware and investigating the software suite.
I'll see what mine will do.


New Around These Parts
Jan 29, 2023
I may be in the market for more gear already... The first victim, a Yamaha CR-800, calls for a sweep generator to be connected to an input jack of the tuner board to adjust for an "S" curve. Is there no way to adjust the FM IF with just a 10.7 MHz output from the Leader 3214?
I ended up with an HP 3325B to take care of any sweeps needed, particularly because of its x-drive output which can be fed to a scope in x-y mode which is needed for some IF alignments. Sweep time on my other devices wasn’t fast enough. It sounds like you may be able to get away with a cheap waveform generator that supports sweep in this case. Although I’m not sure how fast they need you to sweep it to see that output… the fun part about tuner alignments is how much info is missing from the manuals

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
I just did some reading about using the cheap JBC or Koolertron (my unit) units for doing sweeps.
Appears it's not the ideal unit for doing RF work due to poor shielding, noisy SMPS, etc.
Some are using it successfully, but improvising.
Real RF sweep generators for RF use appear to be the way to go.
I'll still investigate my Koolertron and see what it can do. May work if I terminate the output into a 50 ohm dummy load and air couple to the receiver.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
I thought sweep generators were only used for tuning old radios, not modern ones.
I don't remember seeing the use of one to align my PL tuners.

George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Nah, I meant OLD radios. Anyway, making progress with the cheap Koolertron DDS. Yup, it does do sweeps.
Hope I understand correctly.
A 10.7 MHz frequency. A 300 KHz sweep window? So sweep from 10.55 MHz to 10.85 MHz?
If so, I have it sweeping and very visible on the scope.
Lowest sweep time I can set is 0.1 second.
It will do rise and fall, rise, or fall sweeps.
Has AC or DC coupling to the DUT.
Will also do linear or logarithmic sweeps.
Now looking at output voltage range.
Looks promising, but I don't know as I have no experience with a sweep generator.


George S.

Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 18, 2020
Well. More reading is required and I need to use the old HP CRT scope. Something about the X/Y settings on the scope I need to learn.
Going to watch some videos and learn how this is done.