Peewee: As one addict and drunk to another, I KNOW WHERE YOU'RE AT, BROTHER. And as so often happens you answered the key problem you've had in kicking this shit...I think you finally realize that you HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Nobody else. If you do it for someone else, that person is bound to fail you or piss you off someday, somehow. Then that gives you the green light to go get high again. If you do it for you, you don't have anyone to answer to but yourself.
I feel that I no longer need to talk or make excuses,but to prove myself. For me and for everyone else. Thank you all for all that you have done for me. It has very clearly shown me that it's time to quit hiding, and to fuckin prove myself.
Do it for you. Everyone else comes next, but you have to start with YOU. Don't even think about tomorrow, do it one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. No cliche's here, just facts.
You can do it. Any idiot can stay sober for one day. Then in the morning, ya gotta make the decision one more time and do it again.
We're pulling for you, man.
Right now I've got a situation I'm going to have to face in the near future. I have severe back and hip pain. I was hit by a car 40 years ago and it just gets worse with time. I've been on norco for a couple of years and now I've got to start tapering off it and get free. It's hard. The pain comes back and with it the anxiety of withdrawing. It sucks but it's better than suboxone...When I went through cancer treatment 10 years ago they used that shit to withdraw me from all the narcotics that I was hooked on with treatment. And coming off of suboxone was worse than coming off the morphine. It sucks. It really SUCKS.
I tell you this because I have been there and I know what you are going through. I've been clean and sober from street drugs and alcohol for 24 years now.
It happens one day at a time.
We're with you, buddy.