Anybody Else Have a Bench Helper ?


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Skywavebe said:
Hi Lee,
I was reading about a new person on this forum and hidden in the messages is that you are the Carver guru for amps. I bought a magnetic field amp- now I don't even remember the model M4.0T or one of those combinations. Once I find it in storage again I may try to work on it. Out of all the times I have tried it out it quickly seems to blow the Triac in the unit that control the power intake voltage. The finals are never affected just the Triac from what I am told. Is there a mod that was devised on a known defect with this circuit?
The Triac looks to be one of the TO-3 types with large terminals coming out of the device.
I am sure I could replace it and bring it on on my Variac but there must be a known reason it has blown out 3 times so far. Any recollection of this?
Hey Sam,

I did a little searching, and the guy you might be looking for is named "anatech" from over at DIYAudio. He was a Carver tech for many a moons and seems to know the MFA circuits quite well. He did suggest low line voltage as a possible cause, so be mindful of that if you're going to try a Variac as part of the initial test. The primary circuit on those MFA's is very very picky, and will draw muchos amps on a low voltage condition.

Anyway.. if not already a member, head on over there for a spell and look him up. Seems to have as much experience on the Carver's as you do with Teac's.. :study: :thumbright: