Advent 300's in the House

Lazarus Short

Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 10, 2012
Independence, MO
I'm the Red Knight, by grant of the Black
Usually, the "to-fix" pile is doomed to storage for a long time. Perhaps, one of Lee's PL2000s would be a future addition?

Yeah, used to have a PL 2000 mkII, but foolishly swapped it - best preamp I ever owned, and I picked it up cheap at a flea market.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Yes, the to be fixed pile is a daunting task for many of us that are less than qualified techs. I have been lucky finding friends in the audio world that have helped and when one unit gets fixed that success is contagious. It has lead me to repair a number of different units. Mostly mechanical repairs, my forté (or is it cleaning) compared to the electrical repairs which can require a knowledge of how a circuit is supposed to work.

I remember the Advent 300 from the days in the store. Nice units. 15wpc was low but enough to be able to enjoy the sound and the preamp outputs allowed the use of some much bigger amps. Maybe one of these days you will look at these units again. Since you are disappointed with the purchase, let's hope it didn't cost too much.


Chief Journeyman
May 11, 2011
Nashville, TN Music City
highly biased
Are there no online scans of the service manual? I have an paper manual. I've worked on these for years. Since I've missed this thread, and your project seems to have ended, let me know if you want to poke the tiger again.
The 300 sound was vastly overrated, however comparing it to a Pioneer SX580, the Advent sounded like a million dollars. You've found that audiophile stuff is better, and it should be. The Advent 300 was for folks who would never be audiophiles. The NAD 3020 kinda ended the 300's run.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I have a NAD 3020. Talk about a cult following! Mine was salvaged from the toss pile at the thrift store. It wasn't even good enough for the thrift store to display and sell. It's not cosmetically a good looker, but I am impressed by it.



New Around These Parts
Mar 4, 2013
Richmond, VA
Good call Tom, you hit the history right on the head. That was early Advents entire business model. Basic, solid, ALMOST audiophile gear for people that would never buy expensive gear. I bought one when I was 17, around '74 or '75 when they first came out, only made in Mass, with silver faceplate, along with a set of the first Small Advents in vinyl to go with my used Dual 1219, all from the audio store Sounds Incredible, in Danbury, Conn. I WAS their target audience. I was in sonic heaven, especially with headphones. No one I knew had a decent sound system, cerrtainly not anyone my age. I cut a lot of lawns, cleaned a lot of pools, and carried a lot of lumber and bricks to earn the money for those pieces. I eventually, in college, bought a Marantz 170DC and use the 300 as the pre. Sold all my gear when I graduated as I needed the money. I picked up a 300 maybe 6-7 years back for $20, black face, did a re-cap on it, and thought I'd enjoy it for nostalgia sakes. And that's about it. Does garage duty now, with a pair of Klipsch white plastic bookshelf speakers given to me for free. I still get a warm feeling/chuckle when I use it, but my McIntosh C33s walk all over it and stomp it flat. As do any of my other receivers. The DIY homemade MM phono pres on AK absolutely embarrass the crap out of it.