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  1. J

    Phase Linear and Pink Floyd

    The main PA in my time used Phase Linear 700, 400, Quad 303 and some mongrel amplifiers. I don't remember Recording Studio Design but that doesn't mean they weren't there. There were literally hundreds racked up for a big show
  2. J

    Phase Linear and Pink Floyd

    I had no idea people were doing things like making new driver boards, etc. It makes me want to get the Pink Floyd amp I have here running and put it to use
  3. J

    Transmitting tube amps

    I dabbled in lots of tube amps, years ago. The transmitting tube amp I liked best was the Ampeg SVT, which got 300W rms out of 6146 transmitting tubes. Later SVT models switched to the more common 6550 audio tubes but the 6146 design delivered more power. Bogen got 100-some watts from 8417...
  4. J

    Welcome johnelderrobison

    We did country too. Here's some of them . ..
  5. J

    Welcome johnelderrobison

    This is Shannon, who had a huge disco hit "Let the Music Play" around 1980. I put a lot of those amps into big discos (along with Crowns, Haflers and Yamahas) where she sang . . .
  6. J

    Welcome johnelderrobison

    Nowadays though I don't do sound engineering I do still photograph musicians, many of whom I did shows with "back in the day." Some of you may remember Eddie Holman and Hey There Lonely Girl, a huge hit in the 70s. Here's Eddie and the backup band singing that song today . . . .
  7. J

    Welcome johnelderrobison

    This was me in '79, me today, and my son holding one of the original light guitars I created for KISS. We have them back for refurbishing now, 30-some years later. I'm proud to have the next generation at work on them. I will see if I have photos of us with the Pink Floyd stuff
  8. J

    Welcome johnelderrobison

    I'm not sure what you mean by "the real deal," but I assure you I am the real John Robison. I'm not somebody pretending to be me, if that's what you mean. After working in audio with rock and roll bands I went on to do sound effects in games for Milton Bradley and others, and I did high power...
  9. J

    Phase Linear and Pink Floyd

    Mark, I just posted a reply to this but it it a bit up the thread. The limiters I referred to were twofold. One used a comparator to keep audio output from attempting to exceed the DC supply voltage (the significance of that is that the DC supply was not regulated and sagged if the AC mains...
  10. J

    Phase Linear and Pink Floyd

    Good afternoon, folks. I had no idea there was a Phase Linear community online! I got a Facebook message asking about this thread and the work I did on the Pink Floyd amplifiers. I was the engineer for Britannia Row in Long Island, when the Floyd first set their sound company up in the United...