Search results

  1. Acoustic

    Biwire or Biamping

    My opinion is the same as Rex's (first time for everything :o ). Bi-wiring, to me, falls under the classification of cable voodoo. When I got back into audio, though before getting vintage, a pair of speaks I got had two terminals. I thought, what the heck do they have two sets of terminals...
  2. Acoustic

    Prince is at it again.......

    It's ashame that this happens to very talented people. Not to overgeneralize but when celebs and musicians live in a bubble world of yes people, that is one of the factors that make former successful musicians lose there objectivity and put out mediocre albums.
  3. Acoustic

    Hoo-Ray..Got me a HK

    Nice score. No wonder you always say your broke!! :P
  4. Acoustic

    ZZ Top in Concert

    Great shots of a great band! Hope they played everything you wanted to hear. :thumbleft: :thumbright:
  5. Acoustic

    Post up them TT pics

    Here's my Yamaha PX-3. Best TT I've ever had!!
  6. Acoustic

    A newbie says Hello

    I guess if you came to this forum to meet new people, your SOL!! Howdy FF!! :D
  7. Acoustic

    big HELLO to my Kansas buddy!

    Yes it was my Yamaha CT-800 tuner. That's the kind of stuff I listen to 95% of my listening anymore. I get decent quality taping off the FM dial, though only from NPR stations, not from commercial stations though, YUCK!! For me I use dbx NR and then during playback run it through a 3BX dynamic...
  8. Acoustic

    I made it...

    Hello Chris from your neighbor in Kansas. :toothy8:
  9. Acoustic

    Guten Tag

    Hello Rex... I don't know how hot it is there but your avatar sure is makin' me sweat!! :love4:
  10. Acoustic

    <Tink, tink> Anyone There? Halloooooooo....

    Howdy Scorp... small world. ;)
  11. Acoustic

    big HELLO to my Kansas buddy!

    Hello Craig!! :cheers: Great to see ya! Hope all is well. Just got home from seeing the Bobby Watson Quartet tonight.
  12. Acoustic

    Hello In There....

    Hello I'm a 24 year old female with large.... OK, no I'm not, I lied. I'm just a sucker for audio boards. So far this looks place looks like the slogan for the writers of MAD magazine... "the usual gang of idiots". So I guess I'll fit in!! :P Hello everyone!! BTW... nice smiley selection...