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  1. Fast Forward

    Calling Minnesota!

    I have a DBX 3BX and a DBX 400X
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    Don Rickles' last words were not an insult...

    It's easy to see our Idea of humor are 180, I thought the Rodney Dangerfields, Sam Kinisons and the George Carlins etc were Genius, and with the exception of Peter Sellers I never saw British Humor, We have a problem in this country, we are easily offended and politicaly correctness is killing us
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    Don Rickles' last words were not an insult...

    Did you think that Richard Pryor was Funny?
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    Don Rickles' last words were not an insult...

    Saw him Live once, his style of humor was old school and not really appreciated by this world of F^%$king Crybabies RIP Mr. Rickles
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    A Quote A Day *unless I forget...

    Living to a Ripe Old Age is overrated Me
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    Hello Folks!

    got to do something about that hat! welcome to Phoenix
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    Picked up a new toy

    I have some Reels and Tape for Sale as I seldom use mine
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    The bad news you've known would come but dreaded...Chuck Berry is gone.

    The Man who really invented Rock and Roll RIP Chuck
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    Welcome to Phoenix
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    Hey All

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    Happy Birthday K-5!!

    24,,,since when did we start to allow Kids on this Forum:grin: Happy Birthday
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    new to the site

    Another Lost Soul
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    Rumor wins the 141st Westminster Kennel 'Best in Show'

    Except he had a bad habit of wiping his Ass on my pants every time he had a chance
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    new to the site

    Welcome to our Forum
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    Rumor wins the 141st Westminster Kennel 'Best in Show'

    Better not let a Jack Russell know he's a chew toy, it's said that every time a Jack Russell looks at himself in the Mirror he sees a Rotweiler, Most professional Hunters in Africa use jack Russells as Trackers, A pic of Sabina Troiskie's 160LB Rotty
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    Rumor wins the 141st Westminster Kennel 'Best in Show'

    My 3 favorite dogs in any order Dobies Rottys Shepherds
  17. Fast Forward

    what are you listening to?

    Live From The Met,,Verdi's Rigeltto