Search results

  1. A.N.T.

    HX PRO

    I know at least one for sure - Studer A820. I think some other models/makes also used HX-Pro. Cheers Alex
  2. A.N.T.

    HX PRO

    There is a good article about HX-Pro on my site (by its designers Jensen and Pramanik) Cheers Alex
  3. A.N.T.

    Happy Birthday Nando

    Happy Birthday Nando!
  4. A.N.T.

    Adjusting signal with resistor

    Here. Cheers Alex
  5. A.N.T.

    HF loss - general

    As far as I remember, that resistor adjusts the HF "shelf" in the recording EQ. Unfortunately I don't have time to measure and illustrate it on a graph at the moment. Cheers Alex
  6. A.N.T.

    HF loss - general

    It looks like an over-bias if these curves are measured on the deck's own recording. Try to reduce the bias till you get the same level at 10 and 16kHz and than change R95/R96 (use a 20K trimmer) and see what value would give you a flatter overall response. Cheers Alex
  7. A.N.T.

    Music at -60 db

    1fA = 1E-15A or ~ 6242 electrons/second . A very small electric current value.
  8. A.N.T.

    Music at -60 db

    12 years ago I've made a file with a fragment of a well known music (direct download link, otherwise the file is listed on the Library page of my website) recorded with +/-2LSB only (RMS level about -91dBFS, ~0.6Mb size) - for checking low level capabilities of various audio DACs. On a decent...
  9. A.N.T.

    Technics RS-B965

    Here is the monitor frequency response of a completely not modified (more accurately, untouched on the electronics side) RS-B965. Cheers Alex
  10. A.N.T.

    Are you old enough to remember Pentium 4?

    Here it is, working as before. Cheers Alex
  11. A.N.T.

    Are you old enough to remember Pentium 4?

    Hmm... I've worked with (IIRC) the PDP-11 in about 1984-85 and with some really old valve-based Soviet computers when I was a student. My son has started his computer career at the age of three, playing Captain Comic on a PC XT at my workplace. He graduated in Computer Sciences and now runs his...
  12. A.N.T.

    Are you old enough to remember Pentium 4?

    Had a bit of a disaster today with one of my workhorse computers, a very old (for a computer, that is) Compaq Presario, serving as the main measuring station, connected to a lot of various bits of measuring equipment with GPIB. This machine is used for measuring my test cassettes, metrology...
  13. A.N.T.

    Revisiting my youth!!

    With the walkman I was ... fortunate. My father visited Japan in 1986 on an invitation of Masaru Ibuka and brought the WM-R202 back with him. I had to sell it later in a moment of need, and was happy to find one in a good condition a few years ago. Cheers Alex
  14. A.N.T.

    Revisiting my youth!!

    In the 80th I had own or used (consecutively, not concurrently, I was not that wealthy) quite number of different decks and now I have almost all these in my collection: JVC KD-D10 Technics RS-M253X Technics RS-M263 Akai CS-M02 Sony WM-R202 One which is missing is the Dual 810. I have the 830...
  15. A.N.T.

    A.N.T. Audio Kora 3T phono stage DIY interest?

    Thank you, for the basic kit - a printed circuit board + related fittings (connectors and a potentiometer, the rest of parts can be bought from Mouser, etc), say £50 (UK Pounds) + delivery at cost (for the US/Europe it would be £25, other countries £30). I can probably offer transistors and...
  16. A.N.T.

    A.N.T. Audio Kora 3T phono stage DIY interest?

    I've designed the Kora 3T phono stage in 2008 and was making these for a number of years, stopping about 6-7 years ago. The top version - "Limited" was Product of the Year 2009 in its category in Hi-Fi World magazine. The full review is available from my website. I still have a number of PCBs...
  17. A.N.T.

    Metrology - my second hobby

    My rough estimate would be in the area of $10K. You could ask the manufacturer: Cheers Alex
  18. A.N.T.

    Metrology - my second hobby

    Hmm, a rather interesting question. And the answer is - all the time. Metrology teaches you that there are no total certainty, that you need to pay attention to small things, not normally measurable in a standard "audio" way. That something we usually assume as a linear device in audio, say, a...
  19. A.N.T.

    Metrology - my second hobby

    Looks like this section was quiet for a while, let's wake it up a bit with some pictures of naked ... things. I have two hobbies, both in the electronics domain, but on two opposing sides of it. One is in audio, where the subjective listening is a king and measurements are only a necessary...
  20. A.N.T.

    New book in the Library section on my website

    Added another one (and Tim asked me to change his name to his forum handle ;) ) Basics of Cassette Mechanism, JVC Service Guide 1976 (PDF file 14MB) Courtesy of Thinkchronicity Cheers Alex