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  1. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    I don't know how bright it originally was, but I'm sure even if you get an original inverter, or one with same specs, it won't reach original brightness - foils are old/original, probably. Their brightness halves in the ballpark of 5.000 hours. I understood you are fixed on frequency, but...
  2. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    Yes, brightness increases with frequency as well as with voltage...lifetime is shortened, though. Decrease voltage to test.
  3. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    I believe EL foils in general start to wake up at about 20VAC. My inverter works with 5VDC and puts out 110 VAC, I tend to clue about frequency anymore. A good read for a layman like myself, particulary the "hum" notice...yep, should have come across this earlier...although it...
  4. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    Nope, just the 200 S-line is EL-iluminated.
  5. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    If the precut foil is to expensive (Revox, for example, demands an arm and a leg...100 ++ smackaroones and others still 60-70-80) you buy a larger one, cut it accordingly and isolate/seal the edges or laminate it. You may look out for foils with multiple contacts - it may be even cheaper...
  6. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    They don't fail/die in the sense of a lightbulb or LED for example, they just fade away with time - the filament (or something like that) wears out with use and time...I guess simmilar to vacuum fluorescent displays. So, it's plausable that both are equaly worn out. It can be the inverter's...
  7. borchee

    Crown Macro Reference Monster amp rework.

    Hi, I have no clue, but I did my share of reading about EL foils. They fade with time, inverters are rarely the culprit. I likely am wrong, but Revox B285 receiver is iluminated from behind with an EL foil...there are but a few of these around. So, if I pulled it of , you most...
  8. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    As long as you enjoy it...
  9. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Back on topic...Andrej Šifrer, Moj žulj, Moje miške
  10. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Depends on the point of view. If you go the science route, equipment exceeded human hearing decades ago. The only technical improvement I can think of, due to progress in materials, is with transducers (microphones/speakers/headphones). This regards the High Fidelity of reproduction/recording...
  11. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Well, that's takes one to know one. ;)
  12. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Yes, but not to your immediate satisfaction, sorry, I wish I could. Open a new thread regarding your problem and state the brand and type of them as well as of the amp...any kind of measurments and detailed occurance description can't hurt either. Good luck.
  13. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Don't! Losless is losless, however you twist and turn it, period! Any difference in sound you migt have noticed is due to mastering/mixing/and what-not and not due to format/standard...or wishfull thinking. 16 bit 44.1 kHz exceeds your/mine/human audible perception quite easily - especially at...
  14. borchee

    Rek O Kut B-16H Disassembly for resto

    You weren't completely wrong/sober. Lovely work though!
  15. borchee

    what are you listening to?

    Just saw the movie with Meryl Streep, so...
  16. borchee

    Funny pictures...

    Well, the next time you better enjoy a shot of penicillin with one of his movies, instead a bucket of popcorn.
  17. borchee

    Funny pictures...

    ... ...eeekhmmmm...
  18. borchee

    Funny pictures... be precise, it's Ministry of Silly Walks. John Cleese was also great in Fawlty Towers...
  19. borchee

    Justin Beaver selling his music catalog

    Well, yes, that's the venue where the sensational abilities of my vocal cords get to be unleashed. I even stream each of these unique performances for free, for everybody to enjoy...down the drain. Don't you? BTW, I like duets best. ...back to the topic:
  20. borchee

    Justin Beaver selling his music catalog

    Indeed!...and I even haven't start my career yet - just ask mia doccia.