Interesting video.
It really serves to verify that marketing bullshit, gadgets and gizmos are going to ultimately be proven to be detrimental to audio quality or are unqualifiable/unquantifiable.
AQ probably thought people like this dude, Amir or anyone else etc aren't going to measure them. 50pF/m is going to make an audible difference for analog signal cables, just ask how important total signal-path capacitance is to any TT user!
Measurements shouldn't really determine whether you buy or don't buy any given cable. A purchase should be decided via a listening test and whether you're enjoying the music while not necessarily 'listening to the equipment', but people like to see measurements of course.
Yeti here in NL sell a power cable for €3500. They tout the conductivity specification of 220 Siemens as the main selling point.
Maybe that's legit - Pouillet's law is proven and proposes that electrons become more free-flowing the larger the conductor. Whether that's a real benefit for connecting equipment to the mains is where it becomes pretty subjective, but there's the basis for just one aspect of a purchase decision.
OK, so if that aspect translates into how good or not a power cable is then my own Mamba cable, at 268 Siemens/m is obviously better - it has a higher conductivity value and lower electrical resistivity. The cable I use probably just has more copper at 4.5mm² per conductor wire. Yes, overkill/unecessary.
I charge €270 for my cable. More than 10 times less than the cost of the Yeti cable and the AQ Thunder etc, becasue I think that's a fair price while still being able to turn a profit.
How do AQ and others justify or quantify their price points? Yes, they have higher overheads, marketing, distribution, salary costs but come on...! I suspect Yeti, like me is a one-man band. I could be wrong but if he is you can't expect to price your products in line with global outfits like AQ.
BTW, it's the last day of my Halloween sale. lol