Recent content by WOPL Sniffer

  1. WOPL Sniffer

    Thoroughly modern lesbians....

    HUH????? WTF
  2. WOPL Sniffer

    NAD 6300

    In our military soldering tool boxes we always had the approved Ruby Red erasers (they are pink) which had the best characteristics for corrosion removal.
  3. WOPL Sniffer

    I'm in love - Sansui 990DB

    The Holy Grail is NOT a 990db, it's the $20,000 G22000. Twice as much power as the 990 too.
  4. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    Not confusing at all. F11 A (pretty simple really) Fuse 11 amps and the F44/100 A is Fuse, 44/100 means 44 divided by 100=440ma
  5. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    They are not hard to find, just frigging expensive. It didn't confuse me, It has a part number, and I looked it up on Fluke website.
  6. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    Nope, the 11 A is an 11 amp fuse and the 44 100 A is the current fuse at 440ma max. even the fluke website has these numbers. And they are posted inside the meter, AND i also took the numbers off the fuse.... Same-O same-O
  7. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    F1* Models 23/77: Fuse, F44/100 A, 1000 VAC/DC, Min Interrupt Rating 10 kA 943121 1 F2* Fuse, F11 A, 1000 VAC/DC, Min Interrupt Rating 17 kA
  8. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    I think the lowest range is 32.00 mA, 320.0 mA. I've seen conflicting data. Screw it....
  9. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    I saw in the troubleshooting section that there is a chip that controls the auto-ranging function. Maybe it's fixable. After seeing the price of a new meter, I'll just keep swapping them around. Fluke won't touch it as old as it is. Being that everything else works, it may be easier to...
  10. WOPL Sniffer

    Multimeter Fuses.

    One of my Flukes has a blown fuse for the current side and I just went and looked at Mouser..... $60 bucks my ass but I don't prefer to run a Cina Fuse from amazon unless somebody here has a source or??? F44 100A 1 KV and F11A 1KVA I need a pair of each so I don't get caught unprepared...
  11. WOPL Sniffer

    PL700 Rebuild

    Looks like you have a pile of projects on the shelf, quit yappin and get to work............. :)
  12. WOPL Sniffer

    Wyn is working on a new power amp...

    Ebay has a bunch of 1000 watt amps for 6 bucks and the size of a ciggy butt pack..... They are way smarter than me.
  13. WOPL Sniffer

    Wyn is working on a new power amp...

    NOW were getting somewhere.... I was just going to yank the dryer cord and send it to you.
  14. WOPL Sniffer

    Billion Watt Load Bank Build

    Damn, I'm not that good