Recent content by HeavyD

  1. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    I know I'm getting off topic even more but after discovering this site I've started looking at everything Phase Linear. One thing strikes me funny while reading on other Forums, some saying just how terrible the 400 Series 1 was but then a quick check on E-Bay tells me that in general, my almost...
  2. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    I'll have to take a peek in the garage to see exactly what Quad tapes I do have.....
  3. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    I have the theme from "Shaft" on a quad open reel.....that too sounded pretty wild in 4 channel! Surprised to hear those old Quad 8 tracts are still wanted....mmmmm! Just as an after thought, I have some pretty fond memories of traveling down to Tower Records( down on Sunset Blvd) almost every...
  4. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    Thinking back, I used the 4000 as my preamp back in my "Quad" days but it was used via the different add ons( I remember the Matrix processor, Sony SQD2020 but the Discreet processor slips my mind now). And yes, I did have a Quad 8 tract tape deck, a Pioneer( it still might be in the attic...
  5. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    Could be my memory is shot but it's been a looong time since anything has been on line. My equip hasn't been put away but it's more of a conversation piece for many years.....I guess in a word, it all still "looks" I'll get a few pictures up as time goes by. Although my Bose speakers...
  6. H

    How did it take me so long to find this Forum? Hi everyone!

    Wow, who would have thought I'd be so late to the party(Forum)! I'll stop there before embarrassing myself anymore but so Happy to have found this valuable asset in regards to Phase Linear products. Without further ado, I am the original owner of (2) PL 400 Series 1 along with a PL4000 pre...