What did I miss? I am moving the Infinity's back into the garage for another day, I made a mess of my area so I have to get cracking before Deb gets back and bitches LOL
I'm kicking back at home this year...my wife is making clam dip and hot dogs and we're going to watch it together. I'm conflicted...as a life long Raiders fan, I've always despised Denver...but I am a HUGE Peyton Manning fan, and so this year I've been cheering his team on. So gooooo Dddddden////Manning!
Their poor cheerleaders qualify for Food Stamps with what they get paid too...
And YES, the possible lone Seahawks fan and also was overjoyed to see Elway get his due back in the days, I agree it's sobering to see him as Grandpa QB but damn, I guess he still puts a few of us to shame in the looks dept.
Their poor cheerleaders qualify for Food Stamps with what they get paid too...
And YES, the possible lone Seahawks fan and also was overjoyed to see Elway get his due back in the days, I agree it's sobering to see him as Grandpa QB but damn, I guess he still puts a few of us to shame in the looks dept.
You're not alone. My mother's side was from Seattle. My Grandpa stuck with 'em every year, even with their terrible luck (last time I paid attention which was years). Go Seahawks!!!
Dayum... this is starting to look like a slaughter... I don't think I remember Peyton looking so ineffective. Two interceptions already? I figured the Seahawks would give them a good game but WOW
I couldn't get the one DTV converter to get a strong signal last night in the living room, thought it was this connection but the untouched bedroom line is doing the same and my new second box is doing the same so I gotta go and check the antenna line outside...absolutely nothing when I scanned. I've tightened everything and have to dig for lines but I hooked back into the bedroom just as before and it never found a channel, which is next to impossible, with 60 feet of coax into it the at least two full power UHF sources inm the 20s will come in on and off at least.