Listening to my mix tapes out of my Phoenix Audio Forums Xmas haul. Finished up Catch a Wave and a little over half way through Like a Box of Chocolates. Both tapes are extremely well-recorded. I've never seen or hear an Esoteric tape deck but it is obviously a fine machine. Also, type I tapes recorded this well continue to make me wonder why I mess with other types. There are a few tracks where I can't see how much better another tape formulation could really make things.
Now, I'm gonna hafta try to figure out who all is on these tapes. The track lists tell me what songs, and about half or a bit more are bands I know/recognize but a lot of them I don't. Enjoying the track Upland right now, fr example, but no idea who it is. May have to try Shazam on 'em and see if I can figure 'em all out. But yeah, great recordings, fun music. Thanks a ton.
Now, I'm gonna hafta try to figure out who all is on these tapes. The track lists tell me what songs, and about half or a bit more are bands I know/recognize but a lot of them I don't. Enjoying the track Upland right now, fr example, but no idea who it is. May have to try Shazam on 'em and see if I can figure 'em all out. But yeah, great recordings, fun music. Thanks a ton.