Some scope photos showing the distortion is on the negative swing of the waveform
Okay, here are some photos.
1. Left channel, with load, driven at 218Hz to about 2.9 volts output.
I tried both my loads, and it made no difference in the waveform whether it was purely resistive or a somewhat inductive load.
2. Right channel, with load, same conditions as (1)
3. Left channel, unloaded.
4. & 5. picture of dc protect board, installed. The zoebel network resistors look good, and there is no fault on the foil side, they're well soldered and suffered no damage in transit.
1) I've gone through the PL-14 driver board up to the main driver transistors, and all of the semiconductors on the left channel are ok. I haven't tried tracing with the scope with the amp up and driving a load. I'm exhausting my other options first because I am paranoid of slipping probe syndrome! Plus I haven't
2) I checked the RCA 410 driver on the negative bank of the left channel and it looks good too.
3) I checked the power supply again, and I have +/- 108 vdc at the output transistor banks.
What is going on in picture #1? When I unload the channel the lower half of the waveform returns to normal.
I did try substituting the old Zoebel network across the output and it made no difference.
I must have a problem with a bad output transistor, since the driver is ok. I guess the next logical step is to check the outputs, then pull them except for one per bank, and then test it again with a load? It doesn't take much drive at all to produce the distortion...
Thanks, guys! This amp is going to be singing before the day is over or I'm out of coffee!!!