It's Sandra, produced by Michael Cretu...
Michael is the man behind all the Enigma projects, and I still think his first album MCMXC a.D. from 1991 is brilliant in every sense:
It's Sandra, produced by Michael Cretu...
Michael is the man behind all the Enigma projects, and I still think his first album MCMXC a.D. from 1991 is brilliant in every sense:
Oh yes Miles, Cretu is a big artist and i'm proud he's originated from here,,, also Sandra did a great job along with ENIGMA and also in her solo career... So a big thumb up for both and for you Miles reminding of ENIGMA.
Oh yes Miles, Cretu is a big artist and i'm proud he's originated from here,,, also Sandra did a great job along with ENIGMA and also in her solo career... So a big thumb up for both and for you Miles reminding of ENIGMA.
Cretu knows how to produce an album... All the Enigma albums are sounding superb, even the last Sandra album was a great production as it comes to soundquality.