Lee, the best sound i get here in my room at the quiet listening levels i prefer are my trusty old JBL Decade 36 (10" 3-way), which sound even better than my JBL 4313B, (also 10" 3-way) but still not as good as my JBL 4301 (8" 2-way), but i can't get to them at the moment coz they're all the way on top of the stack, but i'll get 'em wired up shortly.
there's always the JBL 15" boxes and various JBL horns, but you have to run 'em so much harder to perform so not really suitable.
overall, there's just more presence in the sound, and the field seems wider and deeper, and still lots of boom/tizz at low volumes, and still have that perception of space, and 'black', as long as my amps aren't humming or buzzing, which they're not at the moment, but time will tell as it gets into the quiet of the night hours. (especially after midnight.)
the maggies need more room i s'pose, and i'm just running out of space.
put it this way..... from where i'm sitting, it's almost 6 metres to the wall, and yet only 2.5 metres to the front of my speakers.
that's 3.5 metres deep of speakers. there just isn't enough space left without moving my sitting position back another 2-3 metres, and by then i'd be in the kitchen!
so i'll just go with it for a while..... 'till i find something new.
i must admit, all this talk about the NADs has 'pricked' my ears up, so i'm looking for one of them now, so things WILL change, soon.....