Hey Michael,
Going with that post you made earlier (major negative on the right channel??) and from the pics, look very carefully at that power buss wire to the far right on the channel strip of transistor sockets next to the speaker outputs. Although I can't say positively, it sure is very close to the transistor screw threads securing the right side of the transistors? Is it making any contact with the screw threads? Could it have when the DCP was installed?
Do you have a ohm meter? If you do, pop all 4 fuses, then measure across the 4 diodes that bridge across the center tabs of the chassis. If you have a dead short (less than 3 ohms)... you have problems. Also measure with one lead on the chassis itself (I normally use a screw hole with an alligator clip on it), the other across the collectors (should be the larger center contact on the back of the transistor sockets). That could be an indication of a mica insulator failure.
Going with that post you made earlier (major negative on the right channel??) and from the pics, look very carefully at that power buss wire to the far right on the channel strip of transistor sockets next to the speaker outputs. Although I can't say positively, it sure is very close to the transistor screw threads securing the right side of the transistors? Is it making any contact with the screw threads? Could it have when the DCP was installed?
Do you have a ohm meter? If you do, pop all 4 fuses, then measure across the 4 diodes that bridge across the center tabs of the chassis. If you have a dead short (less than 3 ohms)... you have problems. Also measure with one lead on the chassis itself (I normally use a screw hole with an alligator clip on it), the other across the collectors (should be the larger center contact on the back of the transistor sockets). That could be an indication of a mica insulator failure.
I`m not sure which diodes you are referring to, the 1N4004s?.
I wish I had a schematic for my particular amp

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