Hey, thanx for all the concern fellas, but I'm up, and back to training for the Olympics.
They have a new event coming up. "Interrupted Synchronised Sleeping", and seeing as me and the kids have got so much practice in the last week, I figure we've got this one in the bag....
.... and then there's the "Short Hop, and Step, but NO Jump" event, plus the "I'd Walk a Mile in YOUR Shoes" event. That's the one where you get someone else to put your shoes on and walk a mile. Although that one may be cancelled due to health concerns.
Only problem now is, I don't know what to do. Too scared to move, in case I have a relapse.
.... but I desperately need to get more shoppin' done to fill up my panties. Oops, I meant pantries.
Well, at least it was pay day today. Yeay!!!!!!
Damn, looks like we got rain for the day. Oh well, back to bed. It's way too cold.....
Back soon.