Just got a call from Bill Watkins Sr! Described the problem and he said I bet the coils are wired backasswards, a common mstake since most people think the black wire is the ground when it's in reality the hot. So, I thanked him quickly for the tip as I did not want to take too much of his time and said goodbye
Pulled the woofers and sure enough, the 4 ohms coils were hooked backwards in both speakers. Quick installed them with two screws each and now I hear the bass. I am chicken to put the juice to them as I am out of fuses but for a moment I took them up to 3/4s volume with the A1 and nothing fried
The potentiometers for the both crossovers are shot so I need to replace them, knew that when I bought these. Have to fiddle with them to get them to come on. I am wondering if I can cannibalize the ones in my SM120s for now, any thoughts? They should work right or is there a difference in ratings? I can't get the mid to come on in the left speaker so I will double check and pull it, run it direct at low volume to make sure it works