I need some help with my new girl


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Her name is Katie, I rescued her from a neighbor who didn't have a place to take her during an emergency move. She's a black Golden Retriever/ Lab mix, sweet as can be. The neighbor rescued her from a nephew drug addict who left her for days locked in the house while he used with his girlfriend. She doesn't chew anything up, though she will pull things out of the small trashcans I have around (not a big deal, I empty them daily now). She pulls some of my clothes out of the hamper to lay next too (again, not a problem, it's kinda sweet that she does that). Totally housebroken, never an issue with that.

The big prob is she lunges at some people on the leash during walks, the neighbor said she's always done that, she's 5 years old, nothing was really done to curb the behaviour other than a NO! And a yank on the lead. This is very weird for a Retriever, she looks fine, then for some reason, she'll give a big Bark and lunge at someone, this scares the living shit outta the unsuspecting passers by to say the least. Lee and Scott know I live in the 'hood, lot's of not so nice folks about, some she doesn't mind at all, others get the bark/lunge. It doesn't seem to matter what they are wearing, she decides that she don't care much for them.

I have some experience with dogs, I trained my Akita bitch I-Da-Ho, not an easy dog to train.

So, I'm using some things with her, when someone approaches us, I say "sit...stay", she obeys those commands very well, then "look" pointing to my face to make eye contact with her, this challenges her concentration, she wants to look at them. That trick works most of the time, then I learned that she loves to get brushed, she has the most beautiful, long silky coat, that works much better. Yet, if I let my guard down for a second I never know if she'll lunge.

I know she must have some serious issues and I have to be vigilant with her training, she's smart as shit. I don't do treats or clickers for training, I think they should aim to please and get praise back for the reward. Any thoughts guys??


Jun 12, 2010
Puyallup, WA
crusty old fart
sounds like you have a good handle on modifying her behavior, much more than i would have. does your proximity to the other person, or where she is in relation to you and them make a difference? i'm wondering if she is between you and a perceived threat, or having you between her and the threat is an issue.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
sounds like you have a good handle on modifying her behavior, much more than i would have. does your proximity to the other person, or where she is in relation to you and them make a difference? i'm wondering if she is between you and a perceived threat, or having you between her and the threat is an issue.
Interesting, I hadn't thought about that, she heels well, I prefer the dog on my right since I'm right-handed with the lead, she likes to be on the left since that's were the grass (ha! more like dirt out here :tongue10:) to sniff and pee between the sidewalk and the street, she'll still lunge even from over there. It seems like she picks up a vibe from someone, she's been perfectly passive, waggin' the tail at some, then Bam! on others. This is gonna be a tough job, but, I love her so much, it'll be worth it.


Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
Get one of those halter style easy leaders.... A friend has a 115 lb Yellow lab that loved to basically pull you all the time, big pain to walk. It took a couple days to get it all figured out and for the dog to adjust, but problem solved. Now it's great for everyone to go for walks!

Labs and Goldens are both great dogs, but they can't take a lot of heat as you likely already know so take it easy on walks when it's hot.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
I would quickly purchase (or ask for a free one from the shelter), a bite protector (it that what it is called?) the round muzzle protector. I knew a guy... anyway, he was walking his black lab one night and the dog lunged at a little girl. He was looking the other way, the dog could not stop in time. The girl took two stitches in the face. The parents sued and the guy lost everything: house, boat, car, wife left him, now he is a homeless drunk; all because his dog lunged. Weird, what sets them off? Might have been abuse, might just be over protective of the owner? Maybe people who smell funny to the dog?

I'm just sayin'


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I have to wonder if she was abused by IDIOT or his ASSHAT FRIENDS. I think you'll want to seek advice from your local vet or a dog trainer.

I am proud of you for taking care of her but I can see you will need help or somebody might react badly and have her taken away.

I know you are the right, caring person for the job, Craig.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Get one of those halter style easy leaders.... A friend has a 115 lb Yellow lab that loved to basically pull you all the time, big pain to walk. It took a couple days to get it all figured out and for the dog to adjust, but problem solved. Now it's great for everyone to go for walks!

Labs and Goldens are both great dogs, but they can't take a lot of heat as you likely already know so take it easy on walks when it's hot.

Hello Robert, some co-workers said to get a choke chain collar, I don't want to do that, I like your idea much better, if she had any abuse issue as a puppy with the idiot that first had her, the choke collar might make things worse.

It was 36 freakin' degrees yesterday morning, nasty for us desert rats, she loved it!! She doesn't pull to much unless she picks up a good scent. All I do his say 'Katie' and she slows down. I never like a dog to lead me, I'm the boss, they understand that right quick.

As you know it gets very hot here in the summertime, like 110F and she's black, not good for her , since I didn't have her when it's that hot out, I dread next summer, it can get close to 125+ down near the pavement where she'll be on walks. To keep what's best for her in the long run, I might have to find a nice couple that have a big dirt yard with shaded areas for her to loll about, they have to take her inside at night (she's very much an indoor girl) and needs her coat brushed every day.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
I would quickly purchase (or ask for a free one from the shelter), a bite protector (it that what it is called?) the round muzzle protector. I knew a guy... anyway, he was walking his black lab one night and the dog lunged at a little girl. He was looking the other way, the dog could not stop in time. The girl took two stitches in the face. The parents sued and the guy lost everything: house, boat, car, wife left him, now he is a homeless drunk; all because his dog lunged. Weird, what sets them off? Might have been abuse, might just be over protective of the owner? Maybe people who smell funny to the dog?

I'm just sayin'
She's never bitten anyone, just a bigass warning bark and the lunge, no snapping or anything like that, which makes me think she's in a protect mode, and like I said, it's only with certain people.

Tonight, there was a little girl about 5 years old out side (at 1am, where the freak were her parents??), she said that's a pretty puppy, Katie wagged her tail, I kept a very tight grip on her lead, said sit stay, she obeyed, I just had a feeling she'd behave and she did..I know that was pretty risky but, it was late, I was bored and she wasn't my kid....OK, that was pretty F'd up thinking, well the wee one was not gonna be denied a touch of her silky fur, Katie did the belly up pet me please, happy for the attention from a strange pup, they got on great, Katie licked her all over. I said where is your Mom? She looked like I was a douche (Doh! FF!!) Mom is with her friend....I had to just walk away....what is with these so called parents?? a small girl walking around a drug infested 'hood alone, while Mom does things I can't even go there...so sad :angry8:


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
I have to wonder if she was abused by IDIOT or his ASSHAT FRIENDS. I think you'll want to seek advice from your local vet or a dog trainer.

I am proud of you for taking care of her but I can see you will need help or somebody might react badly and have her taken away.

I know you are the right, caring person for the job, Craig.
Thankee Steven, I am just what she needs, we'll work it out together, her, John and I, she knows and just needs some love and a little work! I'm up for it!


Chief Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Savage, MN
Gentle Leader is the name of the item I mentioned above. It is part muzzle as well as restraint system.

This leader system is way better than a choke collar.


Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I was going to ask when you said lunge, as my dog likes to lunge, but she just wants to meet people and doesn't know that lunging scares them off. She doesn't bark and or bite at humans, but will bark at another dog.

A gentle leader will keep her a little more responsive to you, but you need to keep here close to you and under control. I leat out more lead when no one is around and when in tight quarters pull the dog in closer to me.

In the hot summer I take my black dog to the lake so she can exercise and cool off, in Tucson walk her after dark.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I had a Husky/Malamute/Shepard when I was an indigent water haulerf in Rock Springs. Damndest dog I'd had ever been around. Never leashed him, and i could take him downtown on a crowded street and he'd cut S-curves in front of me clearing a path.UNTIL he'd see someone with a trenchcoat, then the fight was on, at 130 lbs it was all i could do to hold him back at times. Hated anything in a trenchcoat. Sat in the passenger seat of my water truck and Ramcharger most of the time. Never had to lock either one.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
He must have had a bad experience with a guy in a trenchcoat. My first girlfriend had a similar experience but we won't go into that just now.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
She's been on the downside of the 'lungin' crap, maybe the walker's are too chill lately, we had a big shutdown of a major blvd, because of an officer Down, he survied, Thank you Jesus, 37 cop cars, 3 paramedic ambulance's, The girl just walked along like nothing was wrong, one of the responders said "She's just soooo pretty, what is she??""cum here girl", she layed down so nice, scratch my tummy...

Maybe they know sumthin' we don't see, or even really undertstand?"


Forum Veteran and Hillbilly
Dec 22, 2011
Wise VA
Stuwee.... Good for you man... Takes a special kind to do what you are doing. Don't give up on that dog.... Sounds like you got it under control... Only thing I could add is that treats are not a bad thing. And... As someone said keep yourself between the dog and people.... You start talking about a treat when someone approaches it might change her mind.... Are you sure that it's a aggressive lunge and bark and not a friendly one ???
Nov 26, 2012
Eufaula, Ok
---I like to Rock
I think you must be a great person. Taking on another family member like that. I have two Golden's. Bob or Robert E. Lee Nelson weighs about 110, huge for a Golden and Lady Bird Nelson. Great loving dogs and highly intelligent. They like lots of exercise and love people. Bob does not like other dogs very much though, but really only if they think they are at the top of the pecking order. He will definetly let them know they are wrong. Thing is lots of exercise is a key to calm them down and get them listening. Just my two cents worth. Sounds like you have it under control.