So, I pulled this out of the Drumgeon the other day.
Those with longer memories than mine, recall this is in good working order other than the meter being stuck. I seem to recall it was a "mechanical" fix- something needs bending/tweaking and then they will swing freely again. I can't find that thread/post, so I'm starting this to try and lure in the relevant people (@nakdoc perhaps?). "Tape path cleaned, and head demagnetized. Belts good and fully functional other than the meters, which are stuck."
I popped the hood and can see the back of the meters. The front needs to come off to do anything more, but before I start losing screws, I figured I'd pause and ask (unusual for me). I also checked the tires and belt, and all looks to be in good order. I have not applied power yet. I'll probably clean it again before I put the cover back on anyway. (Found a used q-tip in there from the last guy...)
Observations: I can't see anything wrong mechanically. I don't see the needles in contact with the scale anywhere. They do have an odd bend at their base (coming off the coil/rotor) but they both seem to be bent the same, so I guess that's "correct". I'm wondering if they got magnetized somehow. Tapping the back of the meter case (where the rotor is) doesn't do diddly.
There is a seller on ebay with a digitial "upgrade" meter set that drops in. Maybe if I was keeping it, I'd go that route. No, I'd want the mechanical meters working properly.
It does have an enviable build quality. Fair bit of steel along with the plastic. I like the compound action of the tape door too. I see why people like them.
Those with longer memories than mine, recall this is in good working order other than the meter being stuck. I seem to recall it was a "mechanical" fix- something needs bending/tweaking and then they will swing freely again. I can't find that thread/post, so I'm starting this to try and lure in the relevant people (@nakdoc perhaps?). "Tape path cleaned, and head demagnetized. Belts good and fully functional other than the meters, which are stuck."
I popped the hood and can see the back of the meters. The front needs to come off to do anything more, but before I start losing screws, I figured I'd pause and ask (unusual for me). I also checked the tires and belt, and all looks to be in good order. I have not applied power yet. I'll probably clean it again before I put the cover back on anyway. (Found a used q-tip in there from the last guy...)
Observations: I can't see anything wrong mechanically. I don't see the needles in contact with the scale anywhere. They do have an odd bend at their base (coming off the coil/rotor) but they both seem to be bent the same, so I guess that's "correct". I'm wondering if they got magnetized somehow. Tapping the back of the meter case (where the rotor is) doesn't do diddly.
There is a seller on ebay with a digitial "upgrade" meter set that drops in. Maybe if I was keeping it, I'd go that route. No, I'd want the mechanical meters working properly.
It does have an enviable build quality. Fair bit of steel along with the plastic. I like the compound action of the tape door too. I see why people like them.