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Vintage 700b

Chief Journeyman
Mar 13, 2019
The Original Gerry Mulligan Quartet and Tentette with Chet Baker
The Complete Pacific Jazz and Capitol Recordings of the Original Gerry Mulligan Quartet and Tentette with Chet Baker

Mosaic Records MR5 – 102
5 X LP, Compilation, Mono
Box Set Limited Edition, Numbered
Cool Jazz

This 5 LP set was released in 1983. I bought mine several years after it was released, and listened to it back then on my stone stock PL 700b, through a set of JBL Studio Monitors that I had back then. I have not listened to it since I WOPL’d the 700b and added the Klipsch LaScalas. It sounded great in the 80’s but Wow !!! These are mono recordings, but as I have said before since WOPL’ing the 700b, my mono recordings have taken on a new, incredible presence. Thank you again Joe ! I have a lot of early jazz that is recorded in mono (Hi-Fi) and the WOPL engineering (Dual Mono) is incredible. These recordings of Gerry Mulligan (Quartet and Tentette) and Chet Baker are really well recorded and engineered. They were recorded in 1952/1953 so they are early recordings from these guys. Chet Baker was 23 years old, and Gerry Mulligan was 25…..when they recorded this, and it will blow you away how clean these guys are. Too many other great musicians accompany them to list, but the trumpet by Baker and the Sax by Mulligan are amazing. Mulligan also has some great piano pieces here as well. This entire compilation is such an enjoyable listen.

Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker.jpg Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker II.jpg