I had a local gent contact me asking if I would give him some assistance with 2 Linear Acrosound tube amps circa 1950 that have been in a box for the last 20 years. I have a question for you tube geeks out there. I have heard of tube amps that were acting stupid/blowing smoke because they didn't like being fired up without any load on the speaker terminals and I was wanting to know what you guys thought of bringing up these amps with the load bank disconnected or attached to the speaker terminals with a Variac for the power source. I asked him if it needed to be loaded and he said "Good Question, I don't know". I'll give them a good lookover before we apply power. for safety sake. 20 years of inactivity on a set of 70 year old tube amps is probably iffy but you never know. I could also pull out the tube tester but I don't know if it is operational at the moment. I had planned on trying to restore it but don't have the time right now. THOUGHTS????