I’m looking into possibly building a pair of balanced mono blocks out of stereo amps.
I was thinking of a KSA base but maybe this…
Interesting idea. How would you do this? I can think of two ways..
1. Feed one amp channel an inverted signal, say, from the cold output of a balanced preamp.
2. Feed a single-ended signal to both amp channels, but connect one in inverted mode by sending the signal to the negative side of the long-tail-pair at the input.
The GFA-565 is mono, so this could be done, but there would need to be a speaker wire jumpering the negative outputs together, so they are common-ground.
Although I'm not sure the 565 could be modified to produce an inverted output.
Option 1 is better and could be done with any amp with common ground.
Power would be the same as when bridging. A pair of GFA-565's would be somewhere around 1100 watts into 8 ohms!