Have not been here awhile, trying to keep busy with my new single life. I had restored a few of these 45 players some 20myears back and had a couple packed away I never got to so decided to dig one out and do it up. This model does not have the built in amp and speaker. I am going to convert it to stereo with a new cartridge and rewire. They are fun to work on nothing to complicated even the models with the amps are easy to restore just replace a small handful of caps and test the tubes. I sold all the ones I had restored but plan to keep this one around for awhile, I like digging through my old 45 collection and being able to stack them is far better than playing them on my full size table that I can only put one record on at a time. Here is a cool link to a video RCA put out to launch the new 45 format New 45 format