New Project Underway...


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Tony: I downloaded your video and began listening to it. Nice job on the recording and keeping conservative by limiting peak input recording levels to 0 dB, is the way to go with the FeCr tape. I do this with pure chrome tapes, too.

All my videos in the past few years were recorded with my cell phone. I never got into major production with proper equipment and synching in audio recorded from the output of the playback deck in CD-quality audio- takes too much time.

That's a nice looking deck. Where did you acquire it?



Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Nando... that audio is through a boom mic attached to the top of my video cam. Nothing fancy. But no patch cords ... just open air in my audio den ;) which means you're hearing my entire system and to a degree, the room. I think it sounds pretty good although it is only in mono. Syncing isn't an issue because I work with the raw recording in it's native MP4 state and then render it into the Window Media Video format to make it compatible with most people's computers. It's all rather simple to do, and quick, now that even the most pedestrian of computers have so much friggin processor power and lighting fast storage drives built into them.

20220223_shure - Copy.jpg

Found this deck online, from the West Coast. Like most...

Classic cars, vintage audio and Women.
Want the best ... Go west ! :cool:

(I left Women off that list. Adding that in before my wife kills me ...)
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Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Man - I haven't used a camcorder for ages. I still have my Sony Digital Hi-8mm. I used it for playing back all of my old family videos and car events I recorded with it. It used to be a family tradition at Christmas time to watch past Christmases when the kids were young.

Darcy does an excellent job with his videos.

Anyway - looking forward to hearing and seeing more of your videos, Tony. Keep 'em coming!



Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Already got the next recording done ... some Shpongle for Lee.
On a Sony UX-Pro C90.
Deciding if I want to video this one with the same mic or wait until a find a stereo add-on mic that isn't stupid expensive.
Personally, I think the stereo mic would be a cool way to really give you guys a taste of the sound of my system with different material.

Most of the these 'toys' like the vid camera, that boom mic ... are a result of my involvement, directly or indirectly, with the Best Buy product review thing I do on the side. The camera is a 4K, digital jobber. No tapes. This is the first time I've tried it for something like this and didn't realize how useful it could be.

Capturing, trimming and rendering is like push button ... get toast.
So yeah ... expect more videos now.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 12, 2015
Land of Entrapment
Lost in the Ozone Again
Heh, it just played in the browser for me. I guess being irradiated in 5G 24/7 has its silver lining. That deck looks great with wood sides. I may have to come up with some for my K71.

I looked up what FeCR tapes cost. No way in Hell.....


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Heh, it just played in the browser for me. I guess being irradiated in 5G 24/7 has its silver lining. That deck looks great with wood sides. I may have to come up with some for my K71.

I looked up what FeCR tapes cost. No way in Hell.....
I'm a sucker for Sony's with panels.

And what Dr. Bo and the rest of those clowns are asking for any kind of NOS ... 2 funny. What a joke.

It pays to know people... is all I can say about it.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Stereo microphone test.

Looks like the Shure Mono I used the first time does a much better job of providing a flatter freq response and capturing the bass, without any fuss. This new mic has articulating arms to the left & right 'phones. This run was done in a 90 degree, spread of those elements. I need to try the 30 degree and straight-line positions too. Perhaps one of these other orientations will yield better results, more in line with the Shure.

This new mic also picks up much more 'air' and noise, so I figure I will need to play around with the gain settings too. The Shure has three fixed settings of gain adjustment whereas this puppy has a variable dial.


In any event ... here's the needle drop.
The video will require downloading until such time Google 'processes' the file - which at that point - it will play in your browser:

The file is clean - virus free.

Update: Decided to make the file much smaller since the video size/quality isn't really the important part.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Just listened this video clip turned up ... phase delayed, room contributions are definitely coming into play using the stereo mic. Need to 'tune' the set up for sure.

It's exaggerated on this 2nd demo but the Sony FeCr on this deck is much quieter in terms of tape noise. This UX Pro is a solid tape but the FeCr sounds more tame, notably warmer & fuller... and tape hiss is practically nonexistent at moderate listening levels.

Anyway, for those of you that haven't had a taste of Shpongle before ... now you have. :cool:

Next video will showcase a Metal Master in all it's glory, with some DDD mastered Jazz... and with Dolby C.
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Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Got it downloaded and listening to the clip, now. Yes, there is room acoustics at play, but I can tell the dynamics have been captured to tape.


I've used that track a few times in past mix tapes.



Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Glad it finally worked Nando. I've listened to it a few times and went back and replayed the tape. This original recording already has some 'hallow chamber' characteristics to it, but the stereo mic is accentuating that during some passages. I'm going to guess that since I had the mic arms set @ 90 degrees - meaning they were off-axis from the direct line-of-sight to the Martin Logans - they were picking up room reflections.

Having fun tho - and that's what matters. :p

Going to try different experiments to get the best mic aiming & gain settings dialed in before I do the Metal Master tape ... which by the way, I won't be doing on this deck. This deck's metal performance is subpar compared to the TC-K870ES, like in a massive way ... but this TC-K75 really shines with respect to Type I through III.
It is going to do a great job of transferring older albums to non-Metal tape stock.
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