Well been running them and all I can say is wow. great! Wish you guys could hear this set up.
I think it is safe to say I have reached my destination with this "upgrade". This whole thing started almost 2 1/2 year ago, I had originally planned on just up grading my old speakers but ended up with beast speakers, multiple amps, and an active cross over. It was a lot of work to restore the beat up Altec 816 cabs then build the sub woofer cabs but it was so worth the work and time. I have well documented the complete journey from beginning to end in this thread, maybe some day someone will find the info useful. Everyone who has heard this set up smiles a lot, they are very impressed, one guy wants to hire me to DJ a pig roast later this summer (that will not happen), even my wife was impressed and she was not easy to impress, it only took her 30 seconds of listening and she said "don't you ever sell these!" and that was with only 1 sub connected, the second one was still being built. My only regret is she is not here to see and hear the final results. If I could I would thank Mike Halverson aka JustMike, he inspired, and supported me in the beginning and got me on the right track with tons of info and advice that made this set up what it is today. I also want to thank all those here who have followed this thread from the beginning with kind words of encouragement and support. I am happy all the work is done, all that is left to do is sit back and enjoy... and boy will I enjoy!!!