Former military members will recognize this as "Professional Development" and I think it helps to share information and keep our skills sharp.
All are welcome to play along but this is directed to WOPL Builders, you know who you are...
Date: March, 13, 2021
Scenario: WOPL 700B upgraded with WOA Rev G1 Control Board and Full Complementary WOA Backplane Boards with all new MJ21195/96 Output Transistors, also installed a Type Y2 300V AC-rated .01uF Safety Ceramic Capacitor across the Power Switch. Powers up perfectly under 100W DBT and Variac. Removed DBT and Variac and plugged directly into the 120VAC wall socket. Turned on the Power switch and immediately the 25A house circuit breaker opened. No input signal applied.
Initial Observations: Main Power Fuse was blown, removed power. Fuse replaced, power on and house circuit breaker tripped again and the Main Power Fuse was blown again.
Testing Theory: Looking for a short circuit.
Test Results (all tests referenced to chassis ground, Power Cord unplugged):
1) AC wire on Thermal Switch 1 to ground - no continuity.
2) AC wire on Thermal Switch 2 to ground - no continuity (redundant test).
3) Power Switch Terminal 1 to ground - no continuity.
4) Power Switch Terminal 2 to ground - no continuity
5) Power transformer primary 1 on Terminal Strip to ground - no continuity.
6) Power transformer primary 2 on Terminal Strip to ground - no continuity.
7) -100VDC B- screw (Black wires) on Bulk Cap to ground - no continuity.
8) +100VDC B+ screw (Red wires) on Bulk Cap to ground - short circuit.
Troubleshooting: Go!
All are welcome to play along but this is directed to WOPL Builders, you know who you are...
Date: March, 13, 2021
Scenario: WOPL 700B upgraded with WOA Rev G1 Control Board and Full Complementary WOA Backplane Boards with all new MJ21195/96 Output Transistors, also installed a Type Y2 300V AC-rated .01uF Safety Ceramic Capacitor across the Power Switch. Powers up perfectly under 100W DBT and Variac. Removed DBT and Variac and plugged directly into the 120VAC wall socket. Turned on the Power switch and immediately the 25A house circuit breaker opened. No input signal applied.
Initial Observations: Main Power Fuse was blown, removed power. Fuse replaced, power on and house circuit breaker tripped again and the Main Power Fuse was blown again.
Testing Theory: Looking for a short circuit.
Test Results (all tests referenced to chassis ground, Power Cord unplugged):
1) AC wire on Thermal Switch 1 to ground - no continuity.
2) AC wire on Thermal Switch 2 to ground - no continuity (redundant test).
3) Power Switch Terminal 1 to ground - no continuity.
4) Power Switch Terminal 2 to ground - no continuity
5) Power transformer primary 1 on Terminal Strip to ground - no continuity.
6) Power transformer primary 2 on Terminal Strip to ground - no continuity.
7) -100VDC B- screw (Black wires) on Bulk Cap to ground - no continuity.
8) +100VDC B+ screw (Red wires) on Bulk Cap to ground - short circuit.
Troubleshooting: Go!