So today I turn my system on crank it up a bit and the stock 400 stops putting out it was lit up but no sound, this amp has been driving my subs. So I check fuses line fuse is ok as I thought it would bas the lights to the meters stayed on but the other 2 fuses were blown. Replaced them plugged it in and they blew instantly. Put 2 new fuses in again only this time I disconnected the speakers from the outputs and plugged it in again, the fuses held. So under a hunch I got my volt meter out and measured the output on the right channel, look ok then measured the left channel and got 83.7V DC..... So guess this is the end for this amp don't think it is worth fixing as it is an older 3 fin job, might sell the face plate and meters not sure yet but will go find another amp to drive my subs.