That's the way I found it, and the amp smelled like stale beer. Notice the original PL wire cover on the resistor lead, it was hard and brittle. Pretty obvious heat damage all at once, or over a long period of time.
That's the way I found it, and the amp smelled like stale beer. Notice the original PL wire cover on the resistor lead, it was hard and brittle. Pretty obvious heat damage all at once, or over a long period of time.
Stale beer? Hmmmm, I don't recall owning a 400 but in the old days you never know.... Any roaches hidden in there? Then I know it might have been mine...
I have a schematic for the PL400 series 1 & series 2, but neither of them look like the one you show here. In my series 1 schematic the bottom row transistors are labeled Q12, Q14, Q16 and Q18, (left to right). In my series 2 schematic they are labeled Q108, Q109, Q112 and Q113. So how many different schematics are there for the same unit?
The PL400 I Service Manual shows three different schematics. One each for Control Boards PL400C, PL14A, and PL14B. The PL400C schematic shows drivers as Q9 and Q13 (one channel), and the PL14A/B schematic shows drivers as Q11 and Q12 (one channel).
The PL400 I Service Manual shows three different schematics. One each for Control Boards PL400C, PL14A, and PL14B. The PL400C schematic shows drivers as Q9 and Q13 (one channel), and the PL14A/B schematic shows drivers as Q11 and Q12 (one channel).
OK, thanks for the clarification.
Here's another question: Can anybody tell me what the circled components are in the photo below? I think I figured out the rest of what I'm seeing.