The Arizona Attorney General is fixing to take away 2nd Amendment rights


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Please help us down here, call, e-mail, fax, whatever you can to this idiots office...Mark Brnovich, I'll post a link in a second.

Basically, this guy is threatening to cut off all funds to the tune of $115 million to Tucson, because Tucson refused to destroy thousands of police confiscated firearms this year. He is empowered by prop SB 1486 which demands the destruction.

This is a very thinly veiled threat to our 2nd amendment rights!! This is Arizona for cryin' out loud!! Guns are part of our culture and our right to own...and any taken away from criminals should be repurposed, given to law abiding citizens to protect us from the heathens flooding our state daily!! Not destroyed!

Tell him where he can take his power trip!! Cuss his ass out!!

If anyone else has an idiot in office in their state threatening their 2nd amendment rights, please post and I'll return the favor along with several hundred of my buds ... thanks!
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
He's "empowered" by law????? Come on Craig, then get the law changed. ya can't pick and choose what laws you obey and what laws you don't obey, either as a citizen or a municipality or a country, although that has been happening a lot lately at the federal level, AND large cities. Granted some laws need repealed and some just need enforced. Wyoming has laws to destroy guns that are held as evidence,, but they can also be appropriated for law enforcement use, it's pretty common Craig, and it's not a threat to YOUR 2nd ammendment rights, just the guy caught doing a crime with the gun...


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
How many of those guns do you personally want to have given to you?

wouldn't destroying them and melting them down to make new guns be better than "any taken away from criminals should be repurposed, given to law abiding citizens to protect us from the heathens flooding our state daily"?

Who is going to stand behind those guns from a safety standpoint. If they are given away and misfire and cause mayhem is the city of Tucson going to be liable? Any weapons confiscated by the government should be destroyed so the gun manufacturers don't have to compete with free guns from the govt programs that would be popping up all over the country. The NRA would go after those free guns programs more than they go after many of the anti-gun ideas around the country.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Yeah, you can't just walk into the Tucson PD and say "gimme one of those hawglegs"

They were taken away from people who should not have had them, how do they know who they could give them to without doing background checks which seems to be an issue with many people who don't want background checks. Conundrum, just melt them down. That way they don't end up in the hands of the Mexican gangs. That would be a terrible irony if someone you knew was gunned down during a crime with a "repurposed" weapon

Craig, your good people but really need to let your temper cool down before posting some things. I am no better when it comes to political threads. Sometimes I look at what I post and it dawns on me that maybe I am not looking at the whole picture correctly. I still say Trump is going to ruin America but maybe something good will happen also, have to keep the door open to the other possibility. That cooler heads just might prevail
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Chief Journeyman
Jan 31, 2016
Berlin Center, Ohio
WTF, y'all
My ex-brother in law works for the ATF and he once told me that their procedure was any guns confiscated from criminals or guns used in crimes were kept till they were no longer evidence and then destroyed by taking them to a nearby steel mill and thrown in a furnace to be melted down. If they were stolen guns they were returned to the owners. He said it brought tears to his eyes to often see valuable collector guns to go this way, but it happened.

I might be overlooking something but I don't see how this is a violation of our second amendment rights.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Tucson refused to destroy thousands of police confiscated firearms this year. He is empowered by prop SB 1486 which demands the destruction.
It is not like they are aborted babies, if they were confiscated from criminals then they should be destroyed or given back to their owners if they were reported as stolen.

I anything he should be looking at taking Tucson officials to court for not following the law.


Dec 3, 2014
Foot of Mt. Belzoni
Smoke and mirrors baby!
If you'd ever seen MOST of those guns, you'd think that they need destroying. Criminals aren't known for using the highest quality firearms out there or taking care of them. I'm sure a few pieces with real value slip thru the cracks but that can be said for most anything; coins, cars, etc. My father actually had a couple of his stolen pistols returned to him by law enforcement. One of them almost 20 years after they were taken. Stolen in Calif, returned from Florida to our state. Crazy

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
Please help us down here, call, e-mail, fax, whatever you can to this idiots office...Mark Brnovich, I'll post a link in a second.

Basically, this guy is threatening to cut off all funds to the tune of $115 million to Tucson, because Tucson refused to destroy thousands of police confiscated firearms this year. He is empowered by prop SB 1486 which demands the destruction.

This is a very thinly veiled threat to our 2nd amendment rights!! This is Arizona for cryin' out loud!! Guns are part of our culture and our right to own...and any taken away from criminals should be repurposed, given to law abiding citizens to protect us from the heathens flooding our state daily!! Not destroyed!

Tell him where he can take his power trip!! Cuss his ass out!!

If anyone else has an idiot in office in their state threatening their 2nd amendment rights, please post and I'll return the favor along with several hundred of my buds ... thanks!

CRAIG, I think you got your facts mixed. He filed a petition saying that destruction is against the law. Take a valium bro.

PHOENIX – Attorney General Mark Brnovich today filed a Petition for Special Action alleging the City of Tucson’s gun destruction ordinance violates Arizona law. State law prohibits local governments from destroying firearms. However, the City of Tucson enacted an ordinance that requires police to destroy seized firearms. The Petition for Special Action asks the Arizona Supreme Court to determine if Tucson’s ordinance is a violation of state law. If so, the court shall set a time frame for Tucson to repeal the ordinance or direct State Treasurer Jeff DeWit to withhold Tucson state funding.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Meanwhile, read this

People are stone effing nuts and will do anything. I'm not going to argue about who won at all but this is what crap talk breeds and a TV station was basically responsible for making it happen. It was a CBS station, which I suppose is why CBS News has covered it and their butts over it. The owners of the pizza place are probably better and braver souls than some.

2/3 current or former female state's attorneys-general that I know of aren't doing so well, the second was Pennsylvania's and now in prison for a revenge leak of grand jury proceedings.

The last one is now the governor of, wait, she (Kate Brown) was secretary of state.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
True Ron, many have been telling her that by way of lawsuit. Will take years to unwind this damage.
It's only noise Joe, no cop is going to arrest anyone for this stuff and there is no legal ground for confiscating in a gun shop raid unless there is a violation of the original Law. This is a paper tiger, the State will be inundated with lawsuits for illegal search/seizure/arrest and I have a feeling your AG's days are numbered in that position if the shit hits the fan


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Sorry guys, my knickers got twisted up and I didn't read the stuff through, my bad, valium and a happy pill taken :iconbiggrin:.

Of course, anytime I see anyone telling Arizonians what to do with guns pisses me off. I'm the first to :director: send warnings! If I'm outta line, I concede and, pinkie raised :eek:


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
Sorry guys, my knickers got twisted up and I didn't read the stuff through, my bad, valium and a happy pill taken :iconbiggrin:.
I'm glad we have that taken care of properly

stuwee said:
Of course, anytime I see anyone telling Arizonians what to do with guns pisses me off.
Wasn't it you that was telling Arizonians what to do with those guns, give them to law abiding citizens?
stuwee said:
I'm the first to :director: send warnings! If I'm outta line, I concede and, pinkie raised :eek:
No problems here. I like seeing these lively discussions. Let us know folks out there are thinking. Whether they think it completely through, I don't care. Now back to our regular programming.


New Around These Parts
Dec 5, 2016
If you'd ever seen MOST of those guns, you'd think that they need destroying. Criminals aren't known for using the highest quality firearms out there or taking care of them. I'm sure a few pieces with real value slip thru the cracks but that can be said for most anything; coins, cars, etc. My father actually had a couple of his stolen pistols returned to him by law enforcement. One of them almost 20 years after they were taken. Stolen in Calif, returned from Florida to our state. Crazy
I would think that unless the firearm was used in a capital crime, and the original owner not found, they would auction them. Other agencies do that with other seized property.

Hopefully we'll get the link to the full story and it's something sane. Arizona is one of the strongest 2nd amendment states. I agree with other postings, I abhor knee-jerk reactions to supposed assaults on rights. I would seriously question the news source if it turns out to be not legit. Beware the outrageous headline. It's just click bait. Better have some good antivirus/ web safety software running. And it turns out I took so long to post that reality has rained on the fantasy parade....