yup, they are at 4 grand with a week left...... I gotta find the plans for them.... I may not be able to afford Mr. Carver but if I can find the transformers (he wound them), I'll be in tall cotton.
I would rather have the Enforcers Perry. You will find the dynamics suck with tube amps regardless who built them. You can't fix slew rate with tubes either
I would rather have the Enforcers Perry. You will find the dynamics suck with tube amps regardless who built them. You can't fix slew rate with tubes either
yup, they are at 4 grand with a week left...... I gotta find the plans for them.... I may not be able to afford Mr. Carver but if I can find the transformers (he wound them), I'll be in tall cotton.
Yeah, and he said something about the Silver 7 transformer in the ebay post which I added below.
I needed a great transformer to take apart and learn from to be in a position to wind my own (and do a credible job). I searched around and came up with five possibles: A McIntosh 275, a Marantz 9, a Citation II, an EAR, and my own Silver Seven, which I DID wind myself during the early stages of production so long ago.
I couldn't find a 9, the McIntosh was designed for split cathode drive (not suitable for this application), Tim is in England, leaving my own Silver Seven and the Stu Hegeman designed Citation. I have taken from both designs, incorporated the Adamantine steel, changed the turns ratio, used thicker oxygen free wire (because of the extra space that opened up by not using all the insulation space required of the pie winding), made the core bigger, and let 'er rip.
After a lot of work I got them to sound the same, exactly the same, as the pie wound versions, not better, not worse, the same. I find it impossible to say which sounds better.
OK, NOW I don't want a set. Now that I found out that: Adamantine Steel is all made up crap from the comic books. No such thing and I am offended (And Dense, no less), that my hero Bob would stoop to such theatrics to sell amplifiers to complete morons who think there is such a thing (yup, me too). Next thing you know, somebody will tell me that there is nothing inside a WOPL except a cat whisker and a diode (and a little whisker biscuit) and 36 gauge wire........... I am now on vacation till I find another lame ass hero... Hey Ron.... How ya doin????
I also found out that my Kenner Close N Play is nothing but a plastic case with a cup on the end of a string..... MADE IN CINA NO LESS.......................... I may have to commit Sideways................
OK, NOW I don't want a set. Now that I found out that: Adamantine Steel is all made up crap from the comic books. No such thing and I am offended (And Dense, no less), that my hero Bob would stoop to such theatrics to sell amplifiers to complete morons who think there is such a thing (yup, me too). Next thing you know, somebody will tell me that there is nothing inside a WOPL except a cat whisker and a diode (and a little whisker biscuit) and 36 gauge wire........... I am now on vacation till I find another lame ass hero... Hey Ron.... How ya doin????
I also found out that my Kenner Close N Play is nothing but a plastic case with a cup on the end of a string..... MADE IN CINA NO LESS.......................... I may have to commit Sideways................
I had to look that up because I know I've heard "adamantine steel" before and now I now where.
This dialogue as related by Dr. Edward Morbius (Walter Pidgeon) to Commander John Adams (Leslie Neilsen) in Forbidden Planet (1956) about the Krell civilization that disappeared eons ago from the planet Altair 4:
In the two thousand centuries since that unexplained catastrophe, even their cloud-piercing towers of glass and porcelain and adamantine steel have crumbled back into the soil of Altair IV, and nothing, absolutely nothing, remains above ground.
Later, Leslie Nielsen's character boned Anne Francis' character - teenage daughter of Dr. Morbius.
The Krell actually buggered off to Earth and their descendants started making audio amplifiers in the 20th century and used (what else) adamantine steel for the transformers.