I have 3 boards that were assembled by Dr. Mark Lucitt, very professionally done. Quasi comp only. Good boards for someone that wants to upgrade their stocker.
125.00 each shipped anywhere in the lower 48.....
Yeah it was nice construction.. just didn't cut the mustard as far as the circuit went, tho.. Those outputs were replaced quite a few times before me LOL.
So I got the Rev C board from Lee out today. I though since it was Quassi board to put in a stock unit I had. Now this unit could have just come from the factory minus a few minor nicks. When I opened it up it was in great condition. I changed the power zaps and bridge rectifier but stopped there. So I need input as to leave it alone and put in a glass case or do the full Monty.
Waiting to hear you all
I guess you sensed that was what I was thinking to. I been doing some tests on it and find that the bias will not drop below .440mv. This is the second one in a row that has this. I last one only had 750 ohm bias pots. When I changed to 1k one all was well on that unit. I bet this has then as well. So if I do that I guess I will change out the lf356 op amps and upgrade 2.5k to 7.5k power resistors and board caps. The power cord was still wound up from new with plastic packing over it.